Discussion on [Release] FlyFF PC v21.2 Official Source Code within the Flyff PServer Guides & Releases forum part of the Flyff Private Server category.
, I am in the same case that you I have no more knowledge than you and I myself managed to make it work is files, I had some small problems but anyway because of my lack of experience at the moment in C++ I don’t count on using files because I’m not the means, I keep them aside for now and I don’t count sharing them with the little help that people gave me to properly rebuild those files, free to you to try to compile them, the WaneTrain databases works correctly for me
And the more in the discussion you say "I can share the files", giving envy to the person who are struggling does not make me very much want to help you.
Knowing that three months after your message you’re still asking is file.
Either way, the things to do so that you can use the files are: Redo the paths, put the libs in the right place and have the v19/v20 release database and have the right character_tbl with the official 4-tab inventory.
The source is compileable on visual studio 2019 if ever too, and you just have to redo the resource access paths and also on the compiler side of the exes and then put the right character_tbl and the rest in db v19/v20 and put the libraries in the right place and hop ! The source you can use.
Everything needed to compile this source and get it running can be located in this thread minus a few minor changes which require common sense and the ability to read an error log or debug. Even the database is here.
This source can be compiled on any version as well as long as you upgrade it correctly. I have it running without any issues on VS22 and i'm sure others do to lol.
It's so good to see how the same few people manage to do the needed fixes and don't get tired to answer every single leecher "do it yourself" instead of upload the files and say "no support".
It's so good to see how the same few people manage to do the needed fixes and don't get tired to answer every single leecher "do it yourself" instead of upload the files and say "no support".
But that's just my 5 cts..
You mean the same people who have taken the time to learn things and evolve?
Almost very third party library needed is open source and available in the public.
BugTrap: Lua Compiled Libs + Headers:
Lua source code (to compile the lib & stuff by yourself):
Those are needed for BetaPatchClient only I think:
zlib (source code only): libsquish (source code only):
libpng (1.6 should do fine): freetype: or
Miles Sound System headers should be found inside old V15 source code releases.
How to get libraries out of the source codes? Look for Visual Studio project/solution files. All of them should have targets like "static/dynamic" - compile them and implement them like you would like to.
Static: Link .lib file "into" the final binary - no need of .dll files
Dynamic: Need the also compiled .dll file for your binaries
Yes, I know that for some members this is pretty easy and straight forward. But foor newcomers we dont know how to do it. We know we need this files, thanks for uploading, but no clue on how to use them.
A tutorial would be highly appreciated