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Visual Studio 2017 Source + Files
Discussion on Visual Studio 2017 Source + Files within the Flyff PServer Guides & Releases forum part of the Flyff Private Server category.
02/22/2017, 12:29
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 305
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Originally Posted by Blouflash
Kurze InformationDa wir mittlerweile schon 2017 haben und ich immernoch Leute sehe die mit Visual Studio 2003 arbeiten möchte ich hier meine cleane V15 Source mit dazugehörigen Files releasen.
Die Source ist zurzeit für Visual Studio 2017. Die dazugehörigen Files werden benötigt um den Server ohne Probleme starten zu können, da sich Lua Funktionsnamen in der neuen Version geändert haben, mussten diese natürlich in allen *.lua Dateien geändert werden.
Was wird gebraucht?
Was wurde verändert?- boost wurde entfernt
- Lua wurde auf die Version 5.3.3 erhöht
- Nicht benötigte Projekte innerhalb der Source wurden entfernt
- Cursor werden nun nicht mehr aus dem Projekt geladen.
- Die Neuz IP wird aus dem Startparameter der Neuz.exe ausgelesen
Passwort fürs Archiv
How to fix "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'new.h': No such file or directory"
There's an error with SQL...
02/25/2017, 14:18
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 159
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Ists viel arbeit die source mit vs2015 zum laufen zu bringen?
Edit: War nix an Arbeit, einfach nur Platformtoolset auf v140 ändern. Hat ohne Probleme compiled. Vielen Dank für die Mühe <3
Edit: So hat was länger gedauert bis die scheiße mit SQL Express funktioniert hat weil ich dumm bin aber läuft alles einwandfrei. Hab mit VS2015 compiled wie oben beschrieben und starten tun die Server ohne Probleme, Client connected einwandfrei ohne Probleme. Ist also VS2015 ready.
03/08/2017, 17:36
elite*gold: 0
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Is this stable? Are there any forloop issues?
Just curious is all.
03/08/2017, 19:05
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by KetchupSamurai
Is this stable? Are there any forloop issues?
Just curious is all.
It is stable.
03/27/2017, 14:23
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 653
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Im using this source,serverfiles now. I convert the source into a VS2003 32bit.. The info pang in the ride side on windows is not working but i already fix. And i add lots of features and security.
03/27/2017, 14:29
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 653
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Originally Posted by yazuka21
How to fix "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'new.h': No such file or directory"
There's an error with SQL...
Its simple. I convert downgrade the source into a VS2003 32bit.
03/27/2017, 18:41
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 306
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it's clean source. why you need to downgrade when it have an old link here ??
03/28/2017, 14:25
elite*gold: 0
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Yeah its clean source but i add new features.
I downgrade the source to make it compatible to my vs2003 thats all.
Im just tring the source he releaee and its good. Its stable.
03/28/2017, 14:36
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 181
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Originally Posted by Ecrypter
Yeah its clean source but i add new features.
I downgrade the source to make it compatible to my vs2003 thats all. ��
Im just tring the source he releaee and its good. Its stable.
Lol, this is one of the more silly things i have ever read in the flyff section.
Why wouldn't you just download a clean v15 for vs03? There is tons of them out there lol...
03/28/2017, 15:08
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 159
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Originally Posted by Ecrypter
Im using this source,serverfiles now. I convert the source into a VS2003 32bit.. The info pang in the ride side on windows is not working but i already fix. And i add lots of features and security.
how did u fix info pang?
03/28/2017, 17:16
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Yothri
how did u fix info pang?
Updated main post with the fix.
03/29/2017, 09:09
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 653
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Originally Posted by Yothri
how did u fix info pang?
Originally Posted by KetchupSamurai
Lol, this is one of the more silly things i have ever read in the flyff section.
Why wouldn't you just download a clean v15 for vs03? There is tons of them out there lol...
Its none of your business. Im bored and im exploring v15 source release here what is different. Its for fun. Haha.. i downgrade to vs2003 because im using vs2003 and staying vs2003
04/27/2017, 16:40
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2017
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Hello Blouflash,
Thanks, the projects compile fine, but it still uses a very old crt. I manage to upgrade to ucrt but I can't test it because of errors when recreating the databases.
Do you have a backup of the databases instead of executing sql scripts ? There are a lots of tables missing and the import is not in the right order, so my sql server is complaining when creating a stored procedure using a non-existing table.
I can regenerate a proper sql export afterward.
Do you have the MANAGE_DBF database schema ?
I'm using SQL Server 2016 (and I'm sure it's compatible with some minor fixes).
06/30/2017, 11:41
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 127
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Hmmm on my VM with Windows Server 2016 I´m able to compile the whole source.
I also installed SQL etc on my Laptop, but here I´m not able to compile the source.
It says like in the post before no "new.h" file. Do you guys have an idea what the error occured?
I´m using Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 on both systems with the exact same libraries.
06/30/2017, 13:09
elite*gold: 18
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MFC Libraries are missing.
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