Hello xD FlyFFers! With this round of promotional events,
Facebook is going to be one of our targets to spread awareness. With this event, running from June 1st to June 15th (2 weeks), this post will be advertised throughout Facebook. Make sure you Share and Like this post in order to enter the event for a chance to
win 2000 Donate Points! Three winners will be chosen randomly from people who have
shared and liked this post, announced on June 17th. Tell your friends!
We have started an
ingame drop event, where every monster above level 60 has a chance to drop a box that can contain some of the following:
- NPC power-ups
- 14 Day Bag
- Power Scroll
- Shiny Remantis (150k HP Healing)
Get ingame and farm those boxes!
Hello xD FlyFFers! Our second promotional event will be involved within YouTube. From
June 1st to June 15th you will be given the time to create a video and upload it to YouTube promoting the server.
Three winners will be chosen on June 21st, who will each be
rewarded with 2500 Donate Points! Here are some general guidelines about your video:
- Include “xD FlyFF” in the title.
- Video ideas can include (don’t have to! Just suggestions):
- General Commentary
- Outline of Features
- Dungeon Runs
- Exploration
- Get Creative!
- Post the link to your video in the Discord Channel #youtube. (

- Share your video around!
Last but not least, we will be running a
Double Vote Event From J
une 1st to June 8th (1 week). All you have to do is vote on our website, and you will receive
200vP instead of 100vP throughout this week. Enjoy!