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FlyForFury | The New Experience!
Discussion on FlyForFury | The New Experience! within the Flyff PServer Advertising forum part of the Flyff Private Server category.
01/08/2018, 22:29
elite*gold: 0
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FlyForFury | The New Experience!
01/08/2018, 22:43
elite*gold: 0
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01/08/2018, 23:02
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Drabur
dude... whats wrong on small mistakes, its a fking Hompage Template(wich are free for all)
and it's beta, btw, new Selfmade homepage in progress
01/09/2018, 01:18
elite*gold: 484
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Nice, a full, french server...
01/09/2018, 02:13
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by k11x
Nice, a full, french server...
just client is french if u now about flyff pserver scene, ull know all flyforfaint or other **** files are ****, said its BETAAAA they working on a Translate
01/09/2018, 02:26
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Saibot15
just client is french if u now about flyff pserver scene, ull know all flyforfaint or other **** files are ****, said its BETAAAA they working on a Translate
If you are the admin on this server, the server is already doomed. Even if some people are trolling here in this thread, you should stay polite. You behave like a 12 years old kid my friend.
If you want to have some players on your server, stop cry and be friendly to your community.
01/09/2018, 04:18
elite*gold: 10
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Is this what Flyff Pserver have become now?
A ******* joke?
01/09/2018, 14:28
elite*gold: 0
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As i see, most of u didnt even read before hate, i am not the admin,
I just like the server, admin asked me about a Thread, i just can say Try it out urself
and THAN post. No im not a 13 year old kid, just tired cuz of Epvp kids community who just log in to make flame out of nothing. Try it or go. if u want to "rate" this server make sure u played it.
01/09/2018, 14:40
elite*gold: 7
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The Owner of this server dont want any advertising! He is working on this server..
01/09/2018, 21:27
wild wild son
elite*gold: 1025
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http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss68/Blaargblaa rg69/test.gif
I have made a new Flyff private server, v13 called 'FlyForFury'. There are some bugs in the game right now, but I am working on getting them fixed. In the meantime, I'd like people to join our Hamachi network/register on our forums, so that when the servers are up and working 99.9%, we'll have a strong base of users, so it's not just my brother (the other GM) and I playing.
You do need Hamachi for it, however.
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all ther are say shit and fail are noobs
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