Originally Posted by DK ACE
He dont say anything about "you make this server only for money, lol " 
His message is: you had a real server with a real peak  That would be nice.
But the Balancing need changes.
Google Translator is only good for 1 Word :P
Originally Posted by Technobeast
Der Server ist vom Aufbau her Top und der Peak von 25 stimmt sogar was mich ziemlich gewundert hat.
Klassenbalance müsste ganz überarbeitet werden ist vieles nicht angepasst.

i understood it wrong , sorry Technobeast (google translator op). thanks for your feedback man , if you have any suggestions about the balance PM me i'll apply them. Don't mind my previous message
Originally Posted by Yannick.Mama
Hi, Keylogger has been detected on your server Rogue. Stupid admin ahahahaahahahahahahaha Y.Mama

it's easy to say that Keylogger has been detected on my server because maybe you don't like me and you want that this server become empty but can you show us a proof ? Because for the moment none of my players complaint being hacked or infected by any so called "keylogger". And by the way i'm not doshami and not rogue atzuya. I don't know why you fake yannick mama's name

, you try to be credible ?
BTW : Don't play the server if you don't like it.
We got a server peak of 25 players , and that's thanks to you guys , i'm happy that you enjoy playing siege in our servers , so don't be shy to PM me on epvp or discord to give me your suggestions , your comfort is important for us.
Balance Patchlog 1 :
We got complaints that BP was so "OP" , and other jobs has no chances against him , so we reviewed our balance :
-Psykeeper damage increase
-Ranger damage increase and more block
-Blade damage increase
-Billposter HP on DMG eq considerably reduced
-Elementor DMG on STA eq considerably increased
-Attack speed of ranger increased
-New arena map
Have fun