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[Designer] Logo, Banner, Poster, Video, In-Game UI, etc.

Discussion on [Designer] Logo, Banner, Poster, Video, In-Game UI, etc. within the Flyff Private Server forum part of the Flyff category.

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Old   #1
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Smile [Designer] Logo, Banner, Poster, Video, In-Game UI, etc.

Hi, I'm Mewi, an artist mainly helping servers with their Brand (Promotions and Advertisements).

I played FlyFF since 2010 and hopped on to several private servers during the pandemic as a player. I had the urge in becoming a staff member to help starting potential servers grow.

I design Logo, Banner, Poster, Video, In-Game UI, Launcher, and other necessary designs needed Outside/Inside the Game. I am very flexible and can work within your budget.

Message me if you are interested so we can talk more.
Discord: Mewi#8112
Attached Images
File Type: png Posters.png (3.69 MB, 77 views)
File Type: png Logo.png (2.60 MB, 74 views)
File Type: png Banner.png (3.12 MB, 74 views)
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Old 01/21/2024, 19:29   #2

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Wrong place to post it. This Area is for Server-Presentation/Advertising only

Your post belongs here:
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Old 01/22/2024, 12:31   #3
Non ducor, duco.
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Arrow Flyff PServer Advertising -> Flyff Private Ser…

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advertise, artist, design, logo, staff

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