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[Help] Website Online Count
Discussion on [Help] Website Online Count within the Flyff Private Server forum part of the Flyff category.
11/06/2020, 03:44
elite*gold: 0
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[Help] Website Online Count
Hello! greetings epvp. there is a problem with my online count in website. its not going up. it always says zero. I investigated the inc files.
and this is the code. from website online count
odbc_exec($mssql, 'USE [ACCOUNT_DBF]');
$online = odbc_exec($mssql, 'SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM [ACCOUNT_TBL] WHERE isuse = \'J\'');
<td>Online User:</td>
<td><?php echo odbc_result($online, 'count'); ?></td>
then. I go to my database in account_dbf. I check the isuse. and all are T even tho I am online.
also, the multiverse in character_table always stay at zero. even tho im online. omg.
what to do with this? thanks guys!
11/07/2020, 02:13
elite*gold: 0
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Better use the Multiserver column in the CHARACTER_TBL of the CHARACTER_01_DBF.
11/07/2020, 07:16
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by xTwiLightx
Better use the Multiserver column in the CHARACTER_TBL of the CHARACTER_01_DBF.
Hello xTwilight! thanks for the reply, I checked the multiserver column in CHARACTER_TBL. it always stays at 0 even when im logged in or logged out. any clue on why that is? thanks again!
11/07/2020, 09:07
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by TheRealMadara
Hello xTwilight! thanks for the reply, I checked the multiserver column in CHARACTER_TBL. it always stays at 0 even when im logged in or logged out. any clue on why that is? thanks again!
check your function if its local ip or online ip
11/07/2020, 09:56
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Tamus
check your function if its local ip or online ip
thanks for the reply tamus. what file do I need to check for the ip? thanks
11/07/2020, 12:16
elite*gold: 0
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Use this
11/07/2020, 13:54
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by aqwp
Use this

Thanks. I will try to run this script in my database and update you what hapenned
Lifesaver man! it worked for me! you got my thanks!
11/07/2020, 14:02
elite*gold: 0
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You're welcome, had this issue myself a while back, cost me some days to find out where the issue came from aswell.
11/07/2020, 16:25
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by TheRealMadara
thanks for the reply tamus. what file do I need to check for the ip? thanks
PHP Code:
$_CONFIG['allg_user_online'] = [MENTION=311501]ODB[/MENTION]c_result [MENTION=311501]ODB[/MENTION]c_exec($odbc_connect, 'SELECT COUNT([MultiServer]) as OnlineCount FROM [' . $_CONFIG['db_databases']['chr'] . '].[dbo].[CHARACTER_TBL] WHERE [MultiServer] > 0'), 'OnlineCount');
11/16/2020, 18:11
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2014
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Originally Posted by TheRealMadara
Hello! greetings epvp. there is a problem with my online count in website. its not going up. it always says zero. I investigated the inc files.
and this is the code. from website online count
odbc_exec($mssql, 'USE [ACCOUNT_DBF]');
$online = odbc_exec($mssql, 'SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM [ACCOUNT_TBL] WHERE isuse = \'J\'');
<td>Online User:</td>
<td><?php echo odbc_result($online, 'count'); ?></td>
then. I go to my database in account_dbf. I check the isuse. and all are T even tho I am online.
also, the multiverse in character_table always stay at zero. even tho im online. omg.
what to do with this? thanks guys!
$onlineplayer = odbc_exec($odbc_connect, 'SELECT COUNT([m_szName]) as count FROM [' . $_CONFIG['db_databases']['chr'] . '].[dbo].[CHARACTER_TBL] WHERE [MultiServer] > 0 AND [isblock] != \'D\'');
$c = odbc_result($onlineplayer, 'count');
echo = $c;
11/21/2020, 02:54
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Wezzy_Dev
$onlineplayer = odbc_exec($odbc_connect, 'SELECT COUNT([m_szName]) as count FROM [' . $_CONFIG['db_databases']['chr'] . '].[dbo].[CHARACTER_TBL] WHERE [MultiServer] > 0 AND [isblock] != \'D\'');
$c = odbc_result($onlineplayer, 'count');
echo = $c;
welcome back rjay bacaya
08/26/2022, 21:49
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2011
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i begin to wonder if this is right or wrong and/or i miss something
$_CONFIG['allg_user_online'] = odbc_result(odbc_exec($odbc_connect, 'SELECT COUNT([MultiServer]) as OnlineCount FROM [' . $_CONFIG['db_databases']['chr'] . '].[dbo].[CHARACTER_TBL] WHERE [MultiServer] !=0; '), 'OnlineCount');
what ever i do its stay 0 also in the sql manager is see multiserver but stays 0
Originally Posted by Tamus
PHP Code:
$_CONFIG['allg_user_online'] = [MENTION=311501]ODB[/MENTION]c_result [MENTION=311501]ODB[/MENTION]c_exec($odbc_connect, 'SELECT COUNT([MultiServer]) as OnlineCount FROM [' . $_CONFIG['db_databases']['chr'] . '].[dbo].[CHARACTER_TBL] WHERE [MultiServer] > 0'), 'OnlineCount');
if have try this however am sorry but it doesnt work
i have this: $_CONFIG['allg_user_online'] = odbc_result(odbc_exec($odbc_connect, 'SELECT COUNT([MultiServer]) as OnlineCount FROM [' . $_CONFIG['db_databases']['chr'] . '].[dbo].[CHARACTER_TBL] WHERE [MultiServer] !=0; '), 'OnlineCount');
and player online well still 0
okay i tryed this $_CONFIG['allg_user_online'] = @  c_result @  c_exec($odbc_connect, 'SELECT COUNT([MultiServer]) as OnlineCount FROM [' . $_CONFIG['db_databases']['chr'] . '].[dbo].[CHARACTER_TBL] WHERE [MultiServer] > 0'), 'OnlineCount');
but got this error : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ']' in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\xinc_config.php on line 76
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