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Discussion on Memory within the Flyff Private Server forum part of the Flyff category.

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What could be the possible reason why my client is getting high CPU usage when on its dual client?
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Old 09/15/2017, 06:01   #2
xTwiLightx's Avatar
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Misleading title - you're asking something about "high cpu usage", but title says "Memory".

The reason(s):
Bad programming in general, lots of draw calls, lots of processing which consumes CPU power.
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Old 09/15/2017, 15:03   #3
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Originally Posted by xTwiLightx View Post
Misleading title - you're asking something about "high cpu usage", but title says "Memory".

The reason(s):
Bad programming in general, lots of draw calls, lots of processing which consumes CPU power.
Opppss I was about the post about CPU usage but i enter memory my bad sorry, but Is there any way to fix that? what i mean is how can i configure or locate where the bad programming happen?
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Old 09/15/2017, 15:25   #4
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Originally Posted by Yolo143 View Post
Opppss I was about the post about CPU usage but i enter memory my bad sorry, but Is there any way to fix that? what i mean is how can i configure or locate where the bad programming happen?
Lots of debugging and analysis.

Things like nVidia PerfKit and PerfHUD (which might be deprecated, so try out Nsight) might help, but you'll have to implement it into your client.

Don't get me wrong - we are talking about Direct3D programming, no "I'll define that and paste some code here and there".
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