Its really nothing big to release for today, but i was generally testing something on Iblis Flyff.
They have an interesting way of protecting their client, cheers for that, i had my fun lol.
Anyways, the result of it, usually gets dumped into the bin, but this time i thought, i'll just push it here, so maybe someone can use it if he really wants to.
Its a simple Neuz-Patch i made, Patch Date: 15. April 2019, and includes just the following:
- Fixed Speed at 768%
- Every Mellee Attack uses the 4th Animation, means Blades will usually hit stronger.
Aaaand thats it, nothing special going on here, as said I was only experimenting on their security, and myself to refresh my knownledge about .exe patching.
Usage: Copy to Iblis Flyff folder, make a shortcut, like you would do with the sunkist method, but instead use the word 'sayui' without the 's.
Howsoever, leave a like if you really want to, i'd be happy about it, but it wont make me update this thing, its a single-time release, so once it's patched, its patched.
Little challenge for you: try to null Airflyff
Hints: 2 patches for CE bypass and 2 for Hackshield (or maybe you can do it differently).
Useless information: char overwrite dupe works there
Little challenge for you: try to null Airflyff
Hints: 2 patches for CE bypass and 2 for Hackshield (or maybe you can do it differently).
Useless information: char overwrite dupe works there
Challange accepted Bro :')
Will poke you on Discord (its too late for today, so expect a message by tommorow)
And lovely funfact about the char overwrite lol.
About Hackshield: If its AhnLab, then yes, should be 2 JNZ's to JMP's if i remember correctly (Its rly a ****** gg)
And for CE.. welp There just too many ways without even needing to touch the Neuz for it (or MiniA which i suppose due to Ahnlab) Still i'll do it Patching wise just for the luls :P
Also, been a while that we talked, we should do that more frequently i guess xD I've found alot of new hilarious stuff you might wanna play arround with ;P
Little challenge for you: try to null Airflyff
Hints: 2 patches for CE bypass and 2 for Hackshield (or maybe you can do it differently).
Useless information: char overwrite dupe works there
AirFly Nulled Neuz:
- Removed All Hack-Checks existing
- Removed Anti Debugger
- Modified AhnLab-System (simply delete the folder, it wont be bothered and wont load)
- 'Sunkist Key' = ff0ngqtyssQ