It's been a while since the discontinuation of my Insanity FlyFF hacks.
I'm still sorry by the way, but enough said of that.
I'm here to say that I am very proud of Insanity FlyFF staff for finally improving or should I say, adding some kind of security to the server.
Ever since the day I stopped updating my tools they've improved and changed alot of good stuff.
In the Insanity FlyFF forums they've said the following: "all hacks have been fixed, range, speed, etc, but some keyboards might not work properly, we are fixing that soon."
I don't really know what they are doing. But everything they said was fixed, hasn't been fixed.
Speed hack is working flawless.
Range hack does only work for ranged classes, like it always has been.
They also said that some keyboards might not work properly, which means that they've fixed my bot sending keystrokes to the game, which isn't true either.
I tried my bot's F-Key Simulator, works flawless aswell. (One thing is not working which I'll talk about later...)
But they have also done some good stuff which is quite noticeable.
They have added debugging protection which makes you unable to use e.g. OllyDbg.
It just hits a breakpoint and closes the game.
They have also added some code which closes the game when my bot is sending keys to the client.
Which is easy to bypass if you've bypassed the debugging protection.
Finally, I'll show you how to bypass the debugging protection using OllyDbg.
- Start both Insanity Flyff and OllyDbg and attach OllyDbg to Insanity FlyFF.
- You'll immediately see that it hits a breakpoint, press 'F9' one time. After a while you'll get to the function which prevents you to debug the game.
- Go ahead and look for the instruction: TEST EAX,EAX (10 lines under the breakpoint)
- The instruction under the TEST instruction should be changed to: JMP (Address of: TEST EAX,EAX), don't forget to check the "Fill with NOP's" too keep the size.
- Then you've successfully fucked up that function by getting it stuck in a unlimited loop.
- Go ahead and press 'F9' to run the game and no protection will bother you anymore.


To sum up,
I mostly did this to help the people who want to create hacks for Insanity Flyff since I won't do it anymore.
Hopefully you've learned something while reading this. (You probably didn't since I did not explain why thing is)
I'm sure Hells is sneaking around in the forum, if you read this hells...
I'm very proud of you for finally taking care of you're server and not only thinking about money.