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Does logging off really erase your trail?

Discussion on Does logging off really erase your trail? within the Final Fantasy XI forum part of the MMORPGs category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
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I have heard that if you log out of the game your logs are reset (position history) and GM can not determine third party program use like fleetool and POS.exe. Is this true? If I warp across a zone and log out will they be able to tell when I log back in? The situation I am wondering about is if maybe somebody happens to target you while you are using one of these tools and you log out immediately to avoid getting in trouble if the report you for it.
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Old 03/27/2006, 04:49   #2
elite*gold: 0
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Nope. Anytime you work with computers and servers you leave a trail. A friend of mine got banned and at the time he logged on and off a lot - wife aggro . Then one day he logged on and was pulled from a BC to jail and banned for 3rd party program use. I did get word on who reported seeing him POS hack etc and they said they called a GM the day before it happened.
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Old 03/29/2006, 08:04   #3
elite*gold: 0
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Same thing happened to me...i fell asleep botting some NM woke up with my sound of Argus going every few seconds....ran away and logged off.

Next day i head to another NM and before i know i find myself trying to convince a GM that hes on crack and i dont lag! hehe confirmed, logging off doesn't solve ****. However, i heard GM's only keep track of a characters trails for 3 days so if you pass 3 days after something you should be ok, but this is only speculation.
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Old 03/31/2006, 05:41   #4
elite*gold: 0
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/em Stops useing his tools for 3 days.
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Old 04/05/2006, 11:46   #5
elite*gold: 0
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i fell asleep camping mee deggi one time lol it warped me to him and claimed pple were just staring at me and laughed when i died they didnt call a gm or anything cuz they thought it was funny i woke up and found out i had lost most of my buff i had gained into lvl 74 lol but i have nver gotten in trouble for a trail and i just pos to zones log out log back in and zone lol
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Old 04/10/2006, 19:32   #6
elite*gold: 0
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Originally posted by doodoorocks@Apr 5 2006, 11:46
i fell asleep camping mee deggi one time lol it warped me to him and claimed pple were just staring at me and laughed when i died they didnt call a gm or anything cuz they thought it was funny i woke up and found out i had lost most of my buff i had gained into lvl 74 lol but i have nver gotten in trouble for a trail and i just pos to zones log out log back in and zone lol
Ouch man. If i were an upright FFXI player i wouldnt have reported you. The pain of dieing to that mob is enough in my eyes. It would be kind of embarrasing if you had woken up in the middle of it and been killed trying to save your life lol.
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Old 07/15/2006, 01:12   #7
elite*gold: 0
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like the same thing happend to me. I was botting mee deggi one night and I was watching tv, came back like a hour later I got claim, no drop, and links killed me lol
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