but now literally FUT CHAMP is almost dead on PC because of those 99 hidden cheat users ...
come on guys don't be that greedy , for your 99 hack we non 99 users suffer

just think you get a easy win and we got a loss in FUT CHAMPS ... this is not fare right ?
guys use add goals trainer in drafts and you will make hell lot of coins , don't use 99 in fut champs .
last month I only need 9 wins to get 3 red players as monthly reward but you 99 users destroyed my dream
don't be someones tears , don't be someones pain ... just think about KARMA
I know you will not understand someones pain so let me clear few things
last month I've already banned 129 accounts in fut champs hidden 99 users ,
my 2 friends are working in EA dispute team so I know which users is banned
I can easily detect any 99 trainers so no point hiding that ,
I'll report from your origin id + I'll report to EA HQ + I'll report to EA GAME ADVISOR + I'll report to FIFA producers and finally I'll report to my 2 friends of EA DISPUTE TEAM .
so make sure if you ever come against me in fut champs with hidden 99 trainer , be assured your account will be banned within 1-2 days MAX .
thank you and from now on beware all 99 hackers in fut champs , because you destroy my dream and I'll destroy your whole origin accounts .....