[Selling] diamond 1 acc last 3 seasons 03/22/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies http://www.playerauctions.com/offer/diamond-1-seas on-3-4-and-5-acc-all-champs-82-skins-107165903/
All infos there
[Buying] Unranked acc all seasons 02/06/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Looking for an account that's never been into ranked or is high gold.
And no, i don't want your bullshit smurf accounts that have used bots to get to level 30, already got an account banned because it was purchased from here and used bots.
[S] Honorbuddy-Key 1 / 3 Seasons [B] PSC 05/01/2012 - World of Warcraft Trading - 0 Replies Der Titel sagt alles :)
Macht mir Angebote per Skype: poelli8
Gruß, Thomas