[REQUEST]Backyard Monster Cheats 09/23/2010 - Facebook - 2 Replies if anyone knows this game...i hope someone has a hack/cheat here...please share it here...
[REQUEST]How to add cps/new monsters. 11/06/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 6 Replies 1- How to do CPs go to inventory, when i killed any monster?
example: 1 pheasent = 10 cps to inventory..
and where i make this edit, Db or Source?
2- I need make a city with monters lvl 120 and 130.
that's should be in AdvancedZone (ADV).
a- how/where i make the new monters? db or source?
b- where i make they spawn?
request monsters ID 03/07/2009 - CO2 Programming - 2 Replies can any one give me monsters iD full to help me with my private server ??
[Request]is there any aimbot for monsters? 12/23/2006 - Conquer Online 2 - 0 Replies erm i have been searching in the forum but i cant find any that is working fine =/
can someone help please