Download Nofil2000 gifts generator. Links above. Extract the folder to your desktop.
Open Fiddler (check File > Capture Traffic is ticked. For firefox, you will need to Force traffic to Fiddler)
Log into Facebook.
Open the nofil2000.html in the extracted folder in your browser.
Visit this URL: '' You will see an error page, but no worries.
Check your fiddler now.
You will see this line 'crossdomain.xml' Right click it and select Copy > Just URL
Go to the Auto responder tab, and click ADD
The crossdomain line will appear. Ensure only that line is ticked.
Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Save button
Select 'Find a file..'
Browse to the nofil2000 folder and open the crossdomain.xml inside the folder.
Click Save. (watch video if you do not understand these steps)
Click clear cache in Fiddler.
Now look at the nofil2000.html tab.
Click Get ID and wait for your Facebook ID to appear.
Click Get Token and wait for the Token to appear.
A token code will be generated. Copy and paste it in this group 'COLLABORATIVE GIFTS EXCHANGE' to share with fellow cheaters so that everyone can gain more gifts.
Now copy all the token you can see on that page and paste it into the nofil2000.html
Only 1 token each line! Or it will FAIL.
Click GET GIFTS and watch as the gifts are loaded! (note: Convert ID has been PATCHED so it no longer works. You only get the items which the token-maker used)
Once done, enter RC and the ingredients are already in your restaurant.