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SAS Zombie Assault 3 Premium Hack Service

Discussion on SAS Zombie Assault 3 Premium Hack Service within the Facebook forum part of the Browsergames category.

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SAS Zombie Assault 3 Premium Hack Service

Hello everyone i made it for real get rid of the fake and bullshit of the web here is the real hack.

So i offer a Premium Hack for the game called "SAS Zombie Assault 3" on "" only.

Price from me: 15€
Price from the official dude: 25-27€ (these nerd set your level to 40/50... good luck playing nightmare to grind level Elite X 50.

Skype: Nightshades.Unknow
Payment: Paypal


Q: What do you benefit from it and why you should buy it from me ?

A: You get all premiums guns,perks (including the skills pack) which will make you: faster,stronger,overpowered with these guns.

Q: Except that what you grant as "extras" ?

A: I can set your amount of in-game cash to "900.000.000" max, and off course from your purchase you will be off course MAX_RANK (black death) ELITE X.

Q: How did you do that hack ?

A: it's an heavy modification

Q: i've seen some premium hack on youtube and they were working, why should i buy from you ?

A: there is one annoying premium hack that make you use premium guns (take a long time to save all items) but this doesn't include player level & premium skills pack (pretty bullshit unless you only want the premium guns).

Ps: Here is some screenshot of a new account that i created. (screenshot) (screenshot)
NightshadesD3scene is offline  

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