1. Open your BYM and CE.
2. target your browser.
3. CHange the value to array of bytes.
4. Click "Also Scan Read Only Memory.
5. Scan "0F 84 A6 08 00 00 8D 5B 01 8B 05 B8 3C 18 18 53"
6. Change the 'je' to 'jg' and you will notice, the baiter's settings will freeze.
7. Click any monsters you want but remember how many times you clicked them. The times you clicked the '+' button of that monster/s will be the number of monsters that can be baited into your yard.
8. After clicking, change the 'jg' to 'je'. This will unfreeze your baiter's settings.
9. Click 'Start Spraying' and taran! Its working now! Happy Cheating.
NOTE: Do this hack when your baiter is opened.
EDIT: Not working anymore. I need people. to test it.