cq_magic: track1, track2(refer to id column in cq_track)
a) id,id_next(working the same way like cq_action but not related)
b) step(move forward)
c) action(example 40420983, then go search in track.ini for 40420983)
track.ini (after find for 40420983 in this file)
40420983 983 0 0 33 0 eve_rec_01_1 sound\7016.wav
983 = refer to 3dmotion "X450983=c3/000X/450/983.c3" where X is gender 1 male 2 female
33 = somehow related to motion speed
eve_rec_01_1 = effect name in 3deffect.ini
sound\7016.wav = sound file