Originally Posted by zulflbeatz
can you two make some example i still dont understand
well if you see PKmatch champion effect was attach to character using only the cq_action as example
ID|ID_NEXT|ID_NEXTFAIL|TYPE = 4001|DATA=156 0 33333 0
and that will be save under cq_special_status
this 156 number refer to pkmatch champion effect on the client side
800000000000000 Pkmatch_champion NULL
as u can see 156 from db and 800000000000000 from client..the only thing that i do not understand is how is it related? @
said just add on statuseffect.ini and db..the question is..what number are on db side?
is there any other file(client) and tables(db) that we need to take a look? however.. i've search for 800000000000000 in my client and only on statuseffect.ini it exist, about 156..havent found it yet because only in client it can be found 7k times..