Need some pro helping me here.. 09/14/2010 - EO PServer Hosting - 22 Replies Hi everyone..i really need some help here..maybe a pro EO section
can help me about this problem..i have been searching all in this EO section but found nothing about my problem develope a EO private server..but i dont know what its the problem..everytime i saw this player online on my server (a noob character and his charcter name just number only like 789879 and only lvl 1) and just msg server shutting down immediately..and every time server online..this player...
Helping now 04/19/2010 - Metin2 - 0 Replies Moin,
Also ich habe folgendes Problem ich habe in einer Guiide gelesen wie man den Cursor von Metin (Modified Client by Neon Blue v4.0) verändert
ich mousemodule
und hab die Zeile:
app.NORMAL : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor.sub"),
app.NORMAL : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor.cur"),
geändert (Mein Cursor ist da drin)
Wenn ich nun metin starte beendet sich es einfach...
Pls helft mir!
Helping with bot please 04/05/2010 - Perfect World - 3 Replies Hello , i wanted to ask some help because i tried every bot that i could find here and none worked or at least i didn't managed to let it work properly :mofo:
Until now the only one that managed to kill 1 mob is MHS BOT all others like
ATOPW / PWO Bot4 cracked / ZcPBot didnt gave a sign of life
im paying on PW-MY and got the right offsets with ntKID but still cant get that bot working or any other one ^^ any help thank you :pimp:
all helping all 07/24/2009 - Browsergames - 4 Replies copy the linka here and make pupils
ss KOBUS ss My Brute
[Helping Topic] 24/7 Helping Services! 08/27/2008 - EO PServer Hosting - 31 Replies stucked on anything while setuping your server?
post your problem here and you will get answer as fast as possible better than spamming with posts :cool:
first of all try reading Ahmedpotop's Pserver All thing guide.
if your couldn't solve it out post your problem down here
""That includes PHP rankings pages / registrations pages / Status pages""