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[GUIDE] Adding Mounts Client Side

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[GUIDE] Adding Mounts Client Side

Hello all, I put together a small guide on how to obtain files for INI, C3 and DATA Folders. I know there are many guides outhere regarding adding pets, but I hope mine will help new people. Also, if I find something I missed, I ll add it.

Credits to all peeps that released pets and mounts files.

For this example I will use the “blue flying dragon” original files I have released.

The Things you have to know before adding a Pet:
The meaning of IDS

811195 - This is an Itemtype ID of the pet. This ID will give you an egg in your inventory.
1082950 - This ID will give you an egg in your eudemon bag
1072950 - This is ID of NON thunder pet with no evolution (lvl 0 - 20)
1072951 - This is ID of NON thunder pet fist evolution (lvl 21 - 40)
1072952 - This is ID of NON thunder pet second evolution (lvl 40 +)
1076950 - This is ID of Thunder pet with no evolution (lvl 0 - 20)
1076951 - This is ID of Thunder pet with first evolution (lvl 21- 40)
1076952 - This is ID of Thunder pet with second evolution (lvl 40 +)

Note: for 1071XXX IDS the thunder pet will be 1079XXX; for 1072XXX IDS the thunder pet would be 1076XXX.

Files that would be needed:
ANI Folder : ItemMinIcon; MapItemIcon; PetFace
C3 Folder: Horse, Texture
DATA Folder: Egg, ItemMinIcon; PetFace - 128 and Round.
INI Folder: 3DMotion, 3Dobj, 3DSimpleObj, 3DSimpleRole, 3Dtexture, armor, DynamicRank, immediate, Mount, mountmotion, mounttype, SynTotemPillar, Totempole, ChangeEgg.

I m going to teach you how to obtain all INI Folders files.
Go to DATA folder - PetFace - 128. There you can find pets ID. In my example is 1072950.
Now go to INI Folder - 3DSimpleRole file and type the last 4 digits of the pet ID (2950)
This is what you should find:

Now you have pets Look Face 1905.
Each Mount has 3 look faces - 1905 -first stage of the mount (under 24*), 1906 - second stage of the mount (24 to 34*) and 1907 - third stage of the mount (over 35*).

Now, since I have the look face I can get the “Horse and Texture” Files for C3 folder that I need.
Go to INI Folder - 3DSimpleObject and type in search [ObjIDType1905]. This is what you will find:


Now, 828000 is the Horse File and Texture Files numbers. There are three files for Horse and Texture Folders - 828000 (1st stage), 828001 (second stage), 828002 (third stage).

To find ItemType ID simply go to DATA Folder - ItemMinIcon and look for the eudemons book of the pet.
In this example it is 811195.

To Find Eggs DDS file for DATA folder, go to ANI - PetFace and search for the pets ID. The b144 is the eggs DSS.

Now we know all the IDS that we need to get the all the files.
Pets IDs - 811195 , 1082950, 1072950, 1072951, 1072952, 1076950, 1076951, 1076952
Horse - 828000, 828001, 828002
Texture - 828000, 828001, 828002
LookFace - 1905, 1906, 1907.
Egg DDS file - b144.

Lets Start Putting folders together:

ANI Folder files stay the same for all the pets, the only thing you going to change in ANI folder is the Itemtype ID (811195), egg DDS (b144) and Pets IDS (108XXXX and all 107XXXX IDS).
The files ItemMinIcon and MapItemIcon describe what the pets egg will look like when you pull the eudemon into compose or drop the eudemon. The PetFace file is used to describe what pet will look like when it is alive and dead.

C3 Folder :
Copy and Paste 828000, 828001 and 828002 Folders into Horse Folder. Copy and Paste 828000, 828001 and 828002 Textures into Texture Folder.

DATA Folder:
Copy and Paste Egg DDS file into Egg Folder.
Copy and Paste pets faces into PetFace -128 and Round Folders.
PetFace -128 this DDS file is showing what pet looks like when you open eudemon bag.
PetFace - Round - shows the little round faces that you see on the top near characters face when the eudemon bag is closed.

INI Folder:
3DMotion.ini :
Search for Horse ID 828000 get all the files that look like this:
00001905000100=c3/Horse/828000/fly/100.c3 (3DMotion_ADD1 in my blue flying mount.rar)
Now, remove the first digit from the horse folder file and search for 28000 and get all the text that look like this:
00280001000100=c3/0001/000/04/0100.c3 (3DMotion_ADD2 in my blue flying mount.rar)

3Dobj: Search for Search for Horse ID 828000 get all the files that are associated with it.

3DSimpleObj: You can either search the Horse ID (828000) or the look Face (1905). Make sure to grab 3 files for each stage.

3DSimpleRole: You can either search by the look Face (1905) or the last 4 digits of the Pet 2950. Make sure to grab 6 files for each evolution.

3Dtexture: Search for Search for Horse ID 828000 get all the files that are associated with it.

Armor: You can either search the Horse ID (828000) or the look Face (1905). Make sure to grab 3 files for each stage.

DynamicRank: Search by pets id. I normally make this file up myself. Please refer to the “Mine_BlueFlyingDragonsMount.rar” for an example.

Immediate: this one is tricky. If it is a flying mount you will need to obtain the following the lines that starts with the following: 00280001000100 and 01280001000100 (this one is for flying mounts only)

Mount and MountMotion: Search both by Horse ID 828000 get all the files that are associated with the IDS

Mouttype, SynTotemPillar, Totempole: Search by pets id. Make sure to grab all files that are associated with the IDS.

You don't have to modify pets IDS but read this regarding 1072XXXX IDS. Credits to louise32

However, you do need to change the lookface and 3DMotion and immediate file to make it work properly.

To get the look face numbers that are available look thru your cq_monstertype for free look faces. I m not sure if there are clients that accept LookFaces over 1000, but I do know mannequin client doesn't.

In 3DMotion files replace the current lookface with your own.
In 3DMotion and immediate files there are to many 0 added. You need to modify it like this:
00001905000100, where 1905 is the look face.
I normally do replacement to make them look like this: 803000100 or 0803000100, where 803 is my look face for this pet. Same for the 00280001000100 , has to be 28001000100 - remove the first 2 zeros and one zeros after 28. The 28000 is the 828000 from the Horse Folders with out the first digit.

And for immediate: 00280001000100 needs to be like this 28001000100
and 01280001000100 needs to be like this 128001000100.

Now with 3Dmotion and immediate files, when you insert them into your folder they have to go in order, that way you wont walk on the mount. I basically search for the last mount from the client. In mannequin it is the Jaberwocks. Their 3DMotion ID ends with this 6002490824=Paladin1/0002/490/4/0351.c3 .

And Don’t forget to add all Pet IDS into Itemtype. Credits to Funhacker.

This is it for client side.

Look thru both of my rars for the flyingmount as a refrence. I hope this helps.

Please dont quote the entire guide!
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Old 10/07/2011, 09:29   #2
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added to all things guide
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Old 10/07/2011, 12:13   #3
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Nice Work
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Old 10/07/2011, 22:01   #4
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Great guide, thanks very much.
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Old 10/08/2011, 02:04   #5
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nice guide .. thank you
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Old 10/09/2011, 09:27   #6
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Good and nice work XD
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Old 11/05/2011, 08:12   #7
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hello friend.. i have a small problem . i cannot see my mount when i summon them . but i can see them when i mount on them . i've tried to find the problem from the ini file but still dont get it .
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Old 11/05/2011, 09:42   #8
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make sure you have edited the 3DSimpleObj.ini , 3DSimpleRole.ini and lookfaces .

nice thread tho. you're doing a great job .
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Old 11/07/2011, 16:09   #9
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Originally Posted by haizamlee View Post
hello friend.. i have a small problem . i cannot see my mount when i summon them . but i can see them when i mount on them . i've tried to find the problem from the ini file but still dont get it .
Look at ur armor.ini file
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Old 10/07/2012, 17:00   #10
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btw i dont understand for immediate .. where u get 128001000100.
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Old 10/07/2012, 19:19   #11
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Originally Posted by nabil011 View Post
btw i dont understand for immediate .. where u get 128001000100.
it's Horse id without 8
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Old 10/08/2012, 20:27   #12
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811195 ? sorry i ask , coz i dont see any same like 128001 .
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Old 10/12/2012, 02:30   #13
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can i ask 1 more , if i make new mount , but if i want mount , that mount be visible , where place i wrong ?
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Old 10/16/2012, 05:19   #14
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How to make sql for new pet? Please help me
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Old 05/27/2014, 04:24   #15
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Originally Posted by zulflbeatz View Post
i still fail install mount into server..hahaha i just can buy egg..but nothing happen..
feel free to add me in Skype : Khalid_madkour
I will help u to add mounts
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