[Selling] BATTLE.NET ACCOUNT WITH HOTS,WOW MOP,D3 [EU] 12/20/2014 - Diablo 3 Trading - 1 Replies http://i.imgur.com/LG1EbYM.png
All values are on EU servers.
I have not very prizeful characters,items,etc... so this offer is for somebody who wants these games.
I'm new here so I know I have not any reputation or feedback here,so I can go first if you are trusted member,or if you are not,we can do it with middle-man.
For the accounts informations for all games add me on skype and i can show screen-shots or you can watch it with screen-sharing.
Skype ID: crooleyy69
[Selling] Battle Net Account (Sc2 WoL & HotS) + HS 06/19/2014 - Trading - 2 Replies Hallo.
Ich würde gerne meinen Battle Net Account verkaufen.
Starcraft 2 Wol
Starcraft 2 HotS
D3 Starter Edition
Diese Season nur ein 4v4 Ranked gespielt, über das Ranking kann ich nichts sagen, da ich seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr Spiele.