All solutions to break the security Safe Mode To Server's 09/10/2012 - Tutorials - 0 Replies Hello
This will be the subject of a comprehensive all solutions to break the security situation .. All of it has information shared with us until we collect the largest amount of possible solutions
whe need to get all solutions to kill safe mode in server's
any 1 know any code or have video or tut any thing add him here
ok i will start
|iPod geht immer in Safe Mode| 03/05/2012 - Technical Support - 3 Replies Hey Com,
Ich habe ein Problem mit meinen iPod. Unzwar geht er wenn ich nichts am iPod mache in den Safe Mode ( Addon aus Cydia). Ich möchte dieses Problem gern beheben, da es mich einfach nervt. Ich gehe davon aus das ivh etwas deinstallieren muss (aus Cydia). Dies sind meine installierten Cydia Tweaks/Apps/...:
Airplane *SBSettings Toggle
[TUT] How to replace D3D8.dll in Safe Mode 03/21/2009 - Soldier Front - 4 Replies Ok. New forum so we need threads. Here the tut.
First download this file: d3d8.dll
1: extract the d3d8.dll to your desktop or any folder.
2: Go to safe mode. (f8 when your computer is starting)
3: copy and paste de d3d8.dll file in system32. A window will appear so press "yes".
4: Reboot your computer.
Important: You only need to do the process of the "d3d8.dll" 1 time.
Safe mode 02/24/2009 - Dekaron - 4 Replies Is it possible to run 2moons in safe mode?
Because my computer will crash if im in regular mode while im playing 2moons so I have to be in safe mode.
If you can play 2moons in safe mode please give me a detailed guide how.
Thanks will be given!