Unity (AKA "Universal Combats") just got released. Supports all 80+ classes in the game.
Eye Candy
- Customize Each known ability to your liking (ie. Mob Count, HP/MP <= and/or >=, Custom CD Timer, and more!)
- Kiting Capability for Archer and Sorcerer Class
- Customize the distance to keep away from the mob (Kiting only)
- Advanced Combat Navigation
- Advanced Combat Targeting
- One Combat Script supports all 80+ classes in the game!
Repair is done btw, we are just working on fixing a bug with zone switching and it will be out for the public!
Also just throwing this in so I don't have to update it later.
AutoFollow/Party/Dungeon Plugin coming in near future for ALL (Yes, including TOS) Viper bots.
AutoFollow - Base on Player's Name
- Party Mode - May only support certain games
Combat Functionality - Will attack targets if targeting player is attacking them
Follow Distance - Keep a certain distance or hug the player
- More to Come?