Forgot to post Patch notes since february here so i will do it now:
Patch Notes 25th February 2024:
- Removed the Cookie Factory event
- Fixed the swapped cutscenes on Wailing hill and Howling winds hill dungeons
- Fixed stack limit on Cakes, Yogurts, Exp potions from event rewards.
- Made Devil soulstones stackable to 9999
- Nerfed the 18% movement speed to 16% and final crit rate on Ragnarok Legend of Midgarts from 3.0% to 2% (to make room for more medals viable)
- Changed the 2012 Balloon to have the same stats as all other balloons (3% movement speed) as intended
- Fixed the Defense values on the [Hero] Black dragon lord set pieces to be as intended
- Every Galaxy Essence piece quest will now be unlockable at the same time, once the defeating elga and galaxy questline has been completed
- Fixed the Guild Vault inventory item to appear in the correct inventory and description changed on them to reflect them better
- Account Vault expansion and Vault Expansions does now have 5000 days duration on them (remmber change their prices in the cash shop too)
- Fixed the defense values of hero elga sets to the values they were supposte to be having
- Removed the voice of Jundo in black claw nest as it was never supposte to be Daisy's voice
- Fixed the elga name from Darkness Dragon Lord Elga to "Dark Dragon Lord Elga"
- Fixed alot of the fellowship text bugs in the Fellowship Channel in the party UI
- Deep green leaves can now be exchanged at Windy farm for a monster card box
- Added a exchange for the "Memory of origin" medals in the galaxy NPC for gadas
- Added a exchange for the Windia Race "Catch me I dare you" medal in the windia race NPC for gadas
- Fixed the name of the Ophiuchus fragment to Hydra Fragment
- Fixed the Item exchange for Dragon Fighters at Black Claw Nest
- Fixed the set icons missing/showing incorrectly for certain classes in the cash shop
- Added a temporary exchanger for Hero protector of stars wings at Gada Coin shop 2 where you can exchange the wings until you get 3 option as many times as you want, until i have added a fix where you get 3 options by default
Set pieces/Item adjustments:
- Changed all the 10% Aim Rates from hero bone bracelets to 10% physical or magical damage drop depending on your class
- Changed all the 13% Aim Rates from black dragon bracelets to 12% physical or magical damage drop depending on your class
- Changed all the 13% Aim Rates from Hero black dragon bracelets to 15% physical or magical damage drop depending on your class
- Hero Bane Rahnoff belt has had its 2 special options (hp and mp recovery) removed and replaced by 1. attack speed, 2, Movement Speed, 3 final crit rate
- Hero van cliff earring of revival has had its aim rate option special option changed with critical damage
- Hero van cliff earring of revival has had its +1300 HP special option changed with final crit rate
- Hero vampirinc ring now gives 330 Magical and physical attack as special option instead of 220/240
- Hero gate keepers necklace of darkness changed health to physical and magical attack
- Black dragon lord necklace special option from 460 > 560
- Hero black dragon lord necklace special option 550 > 700
- Secmathian Black Stone Ring now have Min and max physical attack too
- Secmathian Metal ring now have min and max magical attack too
- Freonos Necklace now has higher base stat special options from 7 to 13
- Hero vampiric rings now have 10% cdmg bonus
- Hero gatekeepers necklace of darkness now have 6% movement speed and 8% attack speed and 0.7% final crit rate
- Hero van cliff earring of revival now have 10% critical chance and 5% cdmg
- Hero Bane rhanoff belt now have 30 agi and 7% cdmg
- Freonos necklace now has 5% movement speed, 12 agi and 6% crit rate stats too
- Secmathian Necklace now gives +15 agi, 5% attack speed, and 0.6% final crit
- Secmathian Black Stone Ring now gives 8% cdmg
- Secmathian Metal Ring now gives 4% critical chance and 6% cdmg
- Secmathian 2 set option hp and mp switched out with 10% critical rate and 8% attack speed
- Normal black dragon lord rings now has 10% cdmg and 5% critical chance
- Normal black dragon lord necklace now gives 12% Movement speed, 10% attack speed and 0.8% final crit
- Normal black dragon lord earring now gives 15% critical chance and 15% cdmg
- Normal black dragon lord belt now gives 20 agi, 20 str, 20 int, 10% crit rate and 12% cdmg
- Hero black dragon lord rings now has 13% cdmg and 8% critical chance
- Hero black dragon lord necklace now gives 16% Movement speed, 14% attack speed and 1.1% final crit
- Hero black dragon lord earring now gives 18% critical chance and 20% cdmg
- Hero black dragon lord belt now gives 26 agi, 26 str, 26 int, 15% crit rate and 17% cdmg
Patch Notes 27th March 2024:
Brand new features:
- Added Easy Anti Cheat Support to the game
- Added multi language support for France, german, Russian, Thai, and Vietnamese for all texts, items and quests! There may be text/Item name errors or various translation bugs, or missing/wrong texts, report to me if you find anything abnormal and i will look into it!
- Added Dual inventory system, so you can now expand your inventory to a total of 144 slots!
- Added Costume Feature, where you can equip any normal costume over your statted costumes, or even normal equipment for your level and class in the costume slot!
- Added Exp lock system (to lock your exp to not gain any more exp by quests or monsters, good for leveling cappers for quests or pvp)
- Added Exp % showing on quests (to show how much exp is needed to level up and how much % you get per quest
- Added a new "Silver coin" item as global drop from all monsters in the game and exchangable for gada coins at the NPC "Silver Coins Exchanger" In port of the winds center.
Quality of life changes:
- The guild system now highlights the last login date of each member with days and color
- The friendlist system now highlights the last login date of your friends with days
- Chat colors are now saved upon client restart (except the "Normal" chat, its default white until you switch chat tab forexample from Local > party and then back to Local)
- Tuned the Mission repeatbale bonus to go all the way up to 5.0! (instead of previously 2.5) as a new and optional viable way of leveling up!
- Classes that rely on alot of x attacking will no longer be stuck on getting the F rank in missions
- Mysterious Treasure Boxes and Old Treasure boxes now have a slightly bigger chance of getting more gold in them as reward
- Guild icons has increased from 105 to 174 icons when creating a guild. Existing guilds can buy a Guild Icon changer in the cash shop to change to any of the new ones.
- There can now be 5 vice Masters instead of 2
- Any item in the game with special options will always gets 3 options on them now.
- Items now have a rarity square around them in the equip and cash inventory depending on their soulcraft.
- Pets now show what food type they require to be fed with.
- Changed the crit rate formula to be more Static when stacked, and not "soft capped". The AGI + 15 formula has also been tuned per class basis to try to balance it. (This may change depending on its balancing/OPness/feedback)
- Added Topaz, emerald, diamond, Sapphire and ruby to the gada shop 2
- Added a new item: [Hero] secma shields in Gada shop 2 as a part of 7 set bonus piece for the Secmathian set to enable more build variations to be done.
- Added NPC Gatto in port of the winds to exchange coupon codes for any future events
- More Chat colors has been added in the chat color UI
- Added level 85 MP and HP potion to the NPC Daisy that fills up 8500 Hp or MP
- Fixed the enchant shift client crashing issue
- Fixed the bug where Summoners and twins had an option to enter the tutorial upon starting the game
- Fixed various Items appearing in the wrong inventory
- As part of a new big way of getting gadas by exchanging it to silver coins, maps such as hidden maps will now have monsters with slower respawns so other maps will be more viable to farm these coins in aswell.
- Fixed the 1.5% crit rate on upgraded Spidpex sets to 1.6 as intended
- Fixed various text bugs related to cash shop items
- "List Sorting" should never occure anymore during patching
Other misc changes:
- Changed the requirement for exchanging Gada coin Pouch from 3 of each topaz,emerald, diamond, sapphire and ruby from 3 to 1
- Fixed some skill descriptions
- Fixed the Run to the moon and Born to Run achivement to be permanent
- Added Run to the moon and Born to Run to the Steven JR for gada coins exchange
- Remove needle and regular to artifact soulcraft rune from npc in port of the winds and add lv 85 potions hp and mp there instead
- Change concentrated serpent force from 20 > 12 for black dragon lord pieces
- Website has had a complete re-design overhaul and some features still under work in progress. So expect more and more website functionality in the comming weeks.
- Fixed and added the ranking system ingame (this system may not be working 100% as of just yet, but as web functionality gets restored it will. Remmber to frequently check back on it.)
- Added a way to exchange 2 star stones for 1 other type of star stone has been made possible directly via the gada shop 2
- Added all old 2010 (chapter 1 maps) of all the cities in their own seperate portal inside each city
Item stat changes:
- All Hero Protector of Stars Wings should now have Crit rate and cdmg as base option for ALL classes, and not just for some classes
- [Normal] Black dragon lord earring Has had its 15% crit rate replaced by attack speed
- [Normal] Black dragon lord earring Has had its Hp replaced by Movement Speed
- [Hero] Black dragon lord earring Has had its Hp replaced by Movement Speed
- [Normal] Black dragon lord Belt has had its 10% crit chance rate replaced by attack speed
- [Hero] Black dragon lord earring Has had its 18% crit rate replaced by attack speed
- [Hero] Black dragon lord Belt has had its 15% crit chance rate replaced by attack speed
- Changed the elga wings to have 3 option fixed same stats all the time (aim rate, critical rate and critical damage)
- Changed the hero protector of stars wings to have same special option for all classes (Aim rate, Critical chance and critical damage)
- Changed the elga weapon 3 options for all classes to have the same stats (magical or physical attack depending on the class) crit rate and health
- Changed hero protector of stars weapon 3 option to have equall numebr stats for all the classes
- Changed hero elga weapon 3 option to have equall numebr stats for all the classes
- Changed the 2 piece HP equip bonus on black dragon lord accacories on both normal and hero to movement speed instead
Cash Shop Additions:
- Added a Guild Icon Changer to change the guild icon of your guild (only usable by guild masters) to the cash shop at Consumables > Miscellaneous
- Added a VIP Balloon with VIP balloon (30 days) effect and bundled it with the VIP potion in the cash shop. The VIP Balloon has a custom chat bubble effect with it
- Added Inventory bags bundles seperatly for page 1, page 2 or for both in a pack in consumable > inventory on page 1/2
Patch Notes 18th April:
New Content:
- Added some new maps for players level 75-85. These new content maps are maps that can be used for farming, and a old but familiar map has returned, Ocher forest!
Ocher forest which is for level 85 only, contains f1, chaos maps, f5, f6, aswell as f7!
The new maps can be found from Dragon valley, as there is a new portal at the top of the map there
Unique to Ocher forest F6 and F7's are its unique rewards, and as of Ocher forest F6 and F7, it plays abit diffrent than normal F6 or F7.
- in ocher Forest f6, the monsters are stronger, have higher movement speed, and you got less time per round, but the monsters give more exp than a normal f6. For every round it will be more difficult, have a chance to get a better item (depending on the correct guesses) aswell as monsters giving better exp the longer you come. every round in this f6 you will have a chance to obtain any random item without the use of a Monster Radar.
- In Ocher forest F7 There's more monsters, they have inconcistant spawn intervals, they have higher movement speed, and there's no towers, but more attack power upgrades available. Therefore the mission is recommeded to be done in a party. Note that both the f6 and f7 changes for these two dungeons are/can be subjected to changes depending on player feedback.
- There is new Elluman lv 85 earrings available farmable from elluman f7. Only the 5 Star Elluman Badge Rings from stage 50 can be exchanged to higher Star Earrings. You may now Exchange Elluman rings up to 10 Star! The exchange NOC for this is located at Ocher Treetops
- Ocher Forest Chaos scrolls has been added to the Devil Soul Stone NPC in Libra
- Added the old Arka F7 back, for level 55-70 in Frigid Canyon
- Canyon of Oblivion portal on the far right side now goes to Silky Wave Coast, and then Silky Wave Coast far right side links to port of the winds as it did back in the old days
- The World Map has adapted and been altered to fit the new content aswell as Silky Wave Coast.
Quality of Life Changes:
- Fixed so that Snake Dashing is no longer possible to do in PvP (to be shown vissible for others in pvp that is, when you do it)
- Increased the stats of all f7 earrings for rocker, bubobubo, arka, avice, prokell and Elluman
- Removed the level 10 portal entry level limit on going from Silky Wave Coast (previously canyon of oblivion) to Port of the winds
- Added a Puff tower teleporter to the Silky Wave Coast Map
- Added a Puff Tower teleporter to the Van Cliff Lobby Room
- Added "vissible levels and grades" to all earrings, like how 1-15 and 1-10* rings and necklaces have it, with level and a tier showing on them.
- Added a new way to upgrade the "Bonus stats" by using the mouse scroll wheel to quickly upgrade them, instead of manually clicking them 1 by 1.
- Added a Repeatable quest to obtain black dragon Lord Bloddy Crystal, by defeating elga x amouth of times aswell as exchanging some untradable items from the chests in his dungeon (only for players level 85 that has completed the prequest before defeating elga the first time)
- Added a "Ranking" Button shortcut in the minimap to the ingame ranking
- Decreased monster respawn timers on maps from Eruda valley and maps higher level than that up to current content
Game Changes:
- Prokell f7 Earrings (of all kinds) has had their equip level limit increased from 69 > 75
- The CP Bar UI in inventory has been removed as it is/never were in use
- Replaced the ranking button on the Minimap with the facebook button to redirect to our facebook group page
- Increased durability on normal, hero elga belt/rings/earrings/Necklaces from 20 to 150
- Added back the visual "Z" portal and hotkey to the port of the winds MyModel House
- Changed the teleport location from wedding hall to port of the winds to right outside of the entrance
- Changed the durability on all f7 earrings from 10 > 150
- Increased the Monster spawn rate for all hiden maps aswell as decreased the monster count in them (this is to make room for other maps to be farmable and viable too)
- Decreased the amouth of Silver coin exchanged for the Topaz, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire at the Silver coins NPC in port of the winds center
- Made all Jewel merchants that exchange various sets for Topaz, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire require equally amouth of each crystals for all the levels (considering each of these crystals have same drop rates to be obtained in chests and in boxes in the game)
- Removed the Gada Coin Package from gada shop due to price decrease of silver coin exchange for these materials as mentioned above.
- Added Ruby, Emerald, Topaz, Diamond and Sapphire exchangable 2 for 1 in Gada Shop 2 (simular to how the galaxy stones have been too)
- Changed the big logo button to be alot more clear and vissible when f10 is pressed.
- Changed the texts and various old and outdated Ui in the journal
- Made All cash shop weapons lv 20 equip limit
Game Fixes/Bug fixes:
- Fixed the Discord Rich Pressence, so it should show character name, level and class as before and Map location when hovering over the server icon.
- Adjusted the 10% cdmg shoulders stat to 15% cdmg on lucifer, angel and devil set as intended
- Fixed the Magical attack wrong stat on physical attack classes for the hero elga weapons back to how it was supposte to be
- Added Monster drops to all the easter egg maps (drops as in money and silver coins)
- Fixed Many broken Portal trigger Hitboxes for the OLD town maps (where you could only enter the portal from a specific angle while spamming z)
- Fixed map portal entry bugs in the easter egg maps that are connected to other (OLD) maps that do not exist.
- Fixed the missing dungeon entries in the Easter Egg maps for maps that had missions
- Fixed the Vote button on minimap to now redirect to the correct site url. Voting has now been re-enabled!
- Fixed some quest text errors
- Fixed many ingame text errors
Medal changes/Reworks:
- Decreased the stats on Catch Me i Dare you medal to make more room for more medal diversities.
- Medicine Man: +20 health, +20 agi, +10% def, +10% mdef, final crit success rate 1.2%
- Ultimate Public Disturbance: Hp 20%, MP 20%, Str, +12, agi +12, int +12, health +12
- God loves a trier: Enchant success rate increase 3.2%, socket extract amouth 8%, soulcraft success rate 0.5%
- Masters Craftsman: Enchant success rate 2%, DEF +15%, 15% Movement speed, 5% attack speed
- Hero's Gear: Strenght, +14, agility +14, intelligence +14, health +14, HP 1500, MP +1500, Attack speed 14%, Movement speed +14%, Attack range 5%
- Black Claw Nest Master now gives an additional 20% movement speed and 20% attack speed too
- Top Guild now gives: +20 str, +20 agility +20 int, +20 health +2000 Hp, +2000 mp
- We got one: now gives +25 str, +25 agility +25 int, +25 health +3000 Hp
- You go! We go: now gives +30 str, +30 agility +30 int, +30 health +4000 Hp, +4000 MP
- Dragon Master now gives: 1.3% final crit rate, +10 agi, +health, +15 str +15, +15 int, +2000 Hp
- Alchemist of language now gives: 15% cdmg, +10 agi, +10 str, +10 health +10 int, 10% attack speed.
- The Chaser now gives: 1.0% soulcraft success rate increase
- I'm a lover, not a fighter now gives: 15% HP, 15% attack speed, 17% cdmg, 15% MP, +13 agi, +13 health
- Champion of the world! now gives: 23% HP, 18% attack speed, 20% cdmg, 23% MP, +17 agi, +17 health
- The last boyscout now gives: 18% HP, 16% attack speed, 17% cdmg, 18% MP, +14 agi, +14 health
- Last action hero now gives: 18% HP, 16% attack speed, 17% cdmg, 18% MP, +14 agi, +14 health
- If i had a penny for every time i died... now gives: 20% DEF, 20% MDEF, +4000 HP, +4000 MP
- Pheonix hero now gives: 7% magical and 7% physical Damage drop, 15% DEF and 15% MDEF, +3500 HP, +3500 MP
- Nature element resistance beginner now gives +150 nature resist
- Nature element resistance Expert now gives +300 nature resist
- Nature element resistance Maestro now gives +600 nature resist
- Dark element resistance beginner now gives +150 Dark resist
- Dark element resistance Expert now gives +300 Dark resist
- Dark element resistance Maestro now gives +600 Dark resist
- Fire element resistance beginner now gives +150 Fire resist
- Fire element resistance Expert now gives +300 Fire resist
- Fire element resistance Maestro now gives +600 Fire resist
- Ice element resistance beginner now gives +150 Ice resist
- Ice element resistance Expert now gives +300 Ice resist
- Ice element resistance Maestro now gives +600 Ice resist
- Run to the moon now gives +20 str, +20 int, +20 health +20 agi, +10% attack speed +5% movement speed
- Born to run now gives +15 str, +15 int, +15 health +15 agi, +4% attack speed +4% movement speed
- Never Give up now gives +12 str, +12 int, +12 health +12 agi, +3% attack speed +3% movement speed
- Maximum Speed Rush now gives +21 str, +21 int, +500 HP, 9% cdmg, +11% attack speed +9% movement speed
- Delivery Boy now gives: 1.4 final crit rate, 15% attack speed, 10% cdmg
- In the name of Guild has been altered to require a completion of 100 quests to be done, and it now gives: 10% movement speed, 10% attack speed, 1.5% final crit rate.
- Thrillseeker now gives: +15 agi, +15 health, 4% magical and 4% physical drop, +1000 Health
- Super Hero now gives: +20 str, +20 int, 1% final crit rate
- Legendary monster hunter now gives: +30 str, 30 agi, 30 int, 30 health, 22% cdmg, 22% attack speed, 18% movement speed
- Hunter's life now gives: +17 str, 17 agi, 17 int, 17 health, 15% cdmg, 14% attack speed, 14% movement speed
- Veteran Monster monster hunter now gives: +12 str, 12 agi, 12 int, 12 health, 12% cdmg, 11% attack speed, 11% movement speed
- Rookie Monster hunter now gives: +10 str, 10 agi, 10 int, 10 health, 10% cdmg, 9% attack speed, 9% movement speed
Patch Notes 4th May 2024:
Quality of Life changes:
- Increased the concurrent quest cap limit! You can now have 5 Hero quests and 25 Adventure Quests at once.
Changes and Adjustments:
- Changed the Black Dragon Lord Elga Weapon recipe to no longer require black dragon bloddy crystal but instead 100 Essences of darkness instead. The reason for this is so that this weapon can have a use purpose and a purpose to be upgraded. At the moment there was never any reason to wear this weapon due to it being over shadowed by protector of stars weapon which could be upgraded immidently after.
- With the change of the Black dragon lord bloddy crystal not needed for the weapon, it has instead been made a Black dragon bloddy crystal requirement to get the Heart Essence (Weapon) for the Hero protector of star weapon. (just needed in inventory for quest complete as the other protector of stars essence quests)
- Smelly Pouch, Wizardry Scroll, Blue Crystalloid and Lump of Steel added aswell as other rare loot in the Blackhole Dungeons (from boss loot, all rare loots are boss loot only there now)
- Changed the duration and buffed the effect of all the recipes the recipe lady in Vyvern lounge is selling
- Changed Community events a little, They Blackhole dungeon is now alot more difficult, it require teamplay, the dungeon restricts the use of potions and revival items, so it requires cordination, teamwork to play. The bosses are stronger, has more HP, and the rewards of killing the bosses are better!
- The community event(s) has been altered, timer wise to adjust for all timezone players. Also the names of each of them has been adjusted and changed aswell.
- Added lv 67-70 item drops every 10 stages as loot in elluman f7
- Added lv 67-70 item drops at stage 5 and 10 in elluman f6
- Adjusted so that you get more exp per monster in Elluman f6 depending on how big the party is.
- Added back the original elluman f5 quest. You need to be level 80 to be able to do it. Quest NPC is at Ocher Treetops.
- Removed all the "item number 2" thats unrelated to the skill Card for the galaxy skill card exchanger. So you no longer need to get a skill card for another skill to exchange for the specific skill you want.
- Added New bonus mission Rounds at elluman f1 (that can come from 2 or 3 maps selection) The loot from the chests are not 100% to be dropped like the other chest rooms in the game
- Tweaked the stats of the Meteor and Eclipse lv 85 Elluman earrings to be a little bit more viable.
- Decreased the respawn timers of monsters in hidden maps slightly.
- Adjusted the rewards from the f6 tier Boxes slightly to feel more rewarding
- Adjusted the rewards from the Old treasureboxes/Mysterious treasureboxes from bonus mission rooms to give better rewards
- Inventory expansions that are "not usable" if you have accidently bought the wrong pack on the cash shop can now be exchanged accordingly at the Silver Coins Exchanger Page 2.
- Added level 85 potions and repair hammers to the black dragon lord elga Potion Merchant in Black Claw Outpost.
- Fixed the equip/inventory slot bug for all the normal Black Dragon Lord weapons
- Added a Gada Coin bag with 3 gadas exchange for topaz, sapphrire, diamonds, Emerald, Ruby at Gada shop 2 npc.
- Added a new item called "Cooking Miscs Loot Box" this loot box will contain 2 of any of the random 32 misc items used for crafting items the items at the Vyvern lounge recipe lady. You can exchange this item for gadas at gada coin shop.
- Added all the (OLD) Bone Dragon Back item pieces for each Human Class (only the back items) for gold at Equipment Merchant Crispin in port of the Winds as a way to equip these old items for fashion purpose.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the bug with items in inventory 2 not showing up in "Large mails"
- Fixed the party invite bug in the new content maps aswell as on all the easter egg and old maps.
- Fixed the entry in elluman f6 when 2, 3 or 4 people in a party enters the f6
- Fixed missing music in some hidden Easter Egg maps
- Fixed some map names showing wrong map name in the Party User Interface
- Fixed alot of russian quest translations for the galaxy dungeon
- Fixed alot of quest translations in vietnamese for the galaxy dungeon in particular
- Fixed the russian client crash bug that occured when the game was started
- Fixed the language text swap bug With the thai and vietnamese language in the patcher settings
Patch Notes 1st June 2024:
- Added 7 more pvp maps for Last man standing and Deathmatch
- Added 6 more Battlesquare maps
- Changed the lava and Water Battlesquare map layout.
- Changed the chests on all f1 bonus room to a much higher level to now propertly have drops at all times.
- Increased the level limit on the Edge of the world F1 mission from 75 to 99 so that players lv 85 can farm that f1 and have a viable chance to drop keys from the boss.
- Reworked the lv 61 and 67 sets normal and chaotic for all the classes to be slightly worse than than the bone dragon sets and valkyrie rare sets, so they can be a good mid range alternative for people that doesnt have any boss gear yet. The stats can be found at:
- Added the lv 61 and 67 sets (Normal ones) to the jewelery NPC, exchangable for x gada coins and Jewelerys for the Chaos version of the sets (as a second option of getting the slightly better chaos versions of the sets)
- Added more Windia races and Black Hole Dungeons 12 hours ahead of the other one for other people in different timezones
- Increased Exp for all quests at lv 56-60 ease the quest level bottlenecking
- Increased exp for all quests at level 66-70 to ease the quest level bottlenecking
- Nerfed the Water temple weapon quest to make it easier and more worth doing
- Increased the level on elga chests to 85 for more consistent loot drops
- Added 3 single training dummies in Moonlight shore village
- Spread out the spawns for monsters in all f6 (except in galaxy and Ocher Forest)
- Increased the movement speed on monsters in f6 (except in galaxy and Ocher forest)
- Increased the exp for f6 for 1,2,3 and 4 players. (The higher the exp the more party members you are in the party)
- Increased the movement speed of monsters in all the f7's aswell as made various monsters in different waves have inconsistant movement speed (except for in Ocher Forest and Galaxy f7).
- Changed the quest called "Village of Ash Mist" to be for level 53 and not for level 60, so that you can unlock the vartikia hill questline before being lv 60.
- Old/Mysterious Treasure Boxes can now be exchanged for 10 keys each (the reason why its 10 is because you get so many from just leveling a character)
Set changes:
- The Sentinel 2 piece hero elga set now gives 3000 hp
- The sentinel 5 piece hero elga set attack speed replaced with 175% cdmg
- The Dragoon 4 piece Hero elga set now gives 35% movement speed
- The Chaos Mage 3 piece Hero elga set now gives 150 intelligence
- The Dragon fighter Hero elga set 3 piece set now have increased agility to 140
- The 5 piece black dragon lord cleric set bonus now gives 20% attack speed
- The dragoon Hero protector of stars 5 piece now gives 25% movement speed
- The Black dragon lord dragoon 5 piece now gives 20% movement speed
Medals thats been changed and now give the following stats:
- Decreased the Ultimate Public Disturbance Megaphone requirement count down from 500 to 25
- Get Around: 5% movement speed, 5% attack speed, 5% cdmg
- Unlimited Mileage: 8% movement speed, 8% attack speed, 8% cdmg
- Jumper: 12% movement speed, 12% attack speed, 12% cdmg
- Space Cowboy: 16% movement speed, 16% attack speed, 16% cdmg
- Sprinter: 8% movement speed
- Popular: 8% critical chance, 5 str, 5 agi, 5 int, 5 health
- Celebrity: 12% critical chance, 10 str, 10 agi, 10 int, 10 health
- Superstar 17% cdmg, 18% critical chance, 15 str, 15 int, 13 agi, 13 health
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a puff tower map name position bug
- Fixed the wrong stat on cleric hero elga gloves from strenght > to agility
- Fixed alot of wrong pvp text errors
- Fixed various Missing texts and quest text bugs in the thai, vietnamese and the russian language option.
- Fixed minor quest typos
Patch Notes 3rd June 2024:
- Reverted the f6 change on the dragon valley f6 map due to community feedback.
- Increased the chance of getting a bonus map room to 100% when doing 2 or 3 maps f1's.
- Bear Claw Mine, ice Dragon f1, and Dragon Valley is now a f1 that isnt capped at a level anymore.
- Added Random Key Box as drop and a micro gold pouch from Bear Claw Mine f1 boss loot
- Added A new Mini gold pouch as direct boss loot in verglas ridge f1
- Added a Small gold pouch as direct boss loot in Prokell f1
- Added a new "Random Key Box" as direct boss loot in Karsharp f1. This box can contain one of the following keys: Yellow, Brown, green, Pink or Gray keys
- Added a new 30 Souls box as direct boss drop at Karsharp f1
- Added small gold pouch as drop on Elluman f1.
- Added Option Plus Stones for Silver Coins at the Silver Coins Exchanger
- Added a way to exchange orange and blue key for 1 new "Random Key box" at gada npc 2
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the Guild Last login desync bug (where the client date would not sync with the server date).
- Fixed the issue where the Guild last login would not appear if the friend list tab was open.
- Fixed the monsters instantly dying in Battlesquare.
Skill changes:
- Increased the Online Time of the Sentinel skill "Pinpoint Attack"
Patch Notes 19th June 2024:
New Features:
- Added Session Stats, a way to check your damage per second, damage stats, Enchant ratio, FPS and more! PS: if you close it, just remmber you can re-open it anytime by holding left CTRL + S!
- Added a new row for 16 more skill row tabs for the numpad keys with option to remap them in the key map UI in settings.
- Added a "Work in progress" Clickable UI guide button, that will at some point have ingame guides in them.
- Added a small "x" button near "world chat" button to close the chat window completely
- Added a "View inventory space" count tab on the right side to show how full/empty your inventory is, and by clicking it will open the specific inventory tab.
- Summer themed Port of the winds has arrived!
- Added old chapter 4 Odelia as a portal in Odelia (for nostalgia sake)
- Added a Old chapter 4 windia plains map inside of the "Odelia chapter 4" map aswell as inside all the Class Villages in Odelia 2010 portals.
- Added 2 quests, 1 at level 40, and 1 at level 60 that has a reward that increases 1 row of inventory for all tabs per quest.
- Increased the durability on windy farm tools from 630 > 1000 and from 69 > 120 on secondary tools
- Increased durability on all Gada/cash shop windy farm tools from 4000 > 5500
- Increased the Dragonica Cash vote points from 2 to 4 for every 12 hours voted.
- Added a small "Note" in the skill description of the skill "Snow Blues" in terms of the bug with the skill upgrading of it.
- Removed the inventory pages in the Cash Shop and replaced them with new ones that give 104 slots in an instant per page instead to avoid any confusions.
- Removed the Seal remover key requirement from entering the lavalon portal to the boss room (also the key drop from the boss outside the portal too).
- Feather of Kazeura is now tradable
- Added a new Daily quest at Colin in Black Claw Nest outpost, to defeat elga once per day, to select between either Key of Lights or Sealed Darknesses Crystal as a reward. (quest is for players level 75 and up only)
Quest changes:
- All quests related to underground graveyard has recieved a exp boost and gold increase.
- Changed "I need a sleeping pill" to require less Mandrake Roots and Graveyard Leafs.
- Changed "Paris is after the precious Treasure" from 50 mobs to 30
- Changed the "holy armor" quest requirement for items significantly.
- Changed "tattered Bandage" from 15 > 7"
- Changed "Calm Chapnio(1)" from 100 > 15
- Changed "Calm Chapnio(2)" from 5 > 1
- Changed "The 3 habits of Highly effective people (2) from 100 > 15
- Changed "Cleaning Sofia" from 20 > 4
- Changed "Sofia Nail care service" from 30 > 8
- Changed "Smiths False Teeth" from 15 > 6
- Changed Headache in the Underground Graveyard from 30 to 6
- Changed the "Explore the Underground Graveyard from 200 > 40 monsters
- Changed "My stolen cheese" from 20 > 5
- Changed "A Hero must be Courageous (1)" from 30 mer Gons Eyeballs > 7
- Changed "A Hero must be Courageous (2)" from 30 Zombie Leathers > 7
- Changed "A Hero must be Courageous (3)" All the monster count(s) from 20 > 6 each.
- Changed "Aggressive marketing is the key to success!" from 50 > 15
Set changes:
- Changed the 13% attack speed on mist elf set priest to 24%
- Changed the 24% Attack speed on archmage mist elf set to 24% movement speed.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed alot of missing texts for Vietnamese, Thai and the Russian Language.
- Fixed the Text resolutions to scale propertly and not stretch and cause text cutoffs.
- Fixed the chaos scrolls not dropping 100% of the time in skypie and Mirinae Sanctuary
- Fixed various Cash Shop text translations
- Fixed minor game text issues
Patch Notes 30th July 2024:
New things:
- A big Birthday cake with "1" on it has arrived in all regular cities! Happy 1st Anniversary Dragonica Spidpex!
- Added an option to hide other players and their pets to improve game performance! Effects are still obtainable even if party members are invissible. Press ctrl + f11 to hide characters and models and it
turns off models of players/pets, you can still see skills and circles. ctrl + f12 turns off players/pets models completely, you dont see models/skills/circles and party buffs/heals will still remain working. Relog or switch map to make them come back.
- Added a Chat Timestamp for all the chats ingame, so you can see at what time every message was sent (including the saved guild chat on logout)
- Added the Old Van cliff (entrance is inside the existing van cliff fortress on the right side) This dungeon is only for nostalgias purpose, and serve no real purpose/rewards.
- Added a new tutorial map that has replaced the original one (therefore tutorial locked quests are also disabled from the game due to this, which is a good thing for quest compeltionists that skipped tutorial(?))
- [Event] Regular Insurance scrolls can now be used for enchanting and soulcrafting without needing a normal insurance scroll.
- Removed the "The chaser" medal as it was not working.
- Removed all the hero quests related to instant crafting too
- Added Magical attack and magical defense accordingly to the guild buffs
- Added 500 durability to all the level 15 soulbound weapons for the 4 base classes (warrior, mage, archer, thief).
- Removed the enchant and soulcraft restrictions on Old Vagabond Paws
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the Elga channel 100 crash bug
- Fixed the bug with the Championship saturday and sunday race, with this fix the deletion of one of its races had to be done, however its now 4 times for this race.
- Fixed a bug with the Blackhole dungeons, the other blackhole dungeon had to be deleted, but instead its now 4 times a day.
- Made donys 914th reuqest to kill 1 grotes as intended.
- Made the donys 908th request to kill 10 mobs and rename the sezanne to Monster books as intended
- Fixed the production questline so its doable without a prequest for level 20 and above aswell as making the class skill directory usable for non job changed classes too.
- Made the galaxy quest non reliable on your class/level, you just have to be lv 50 to do it at Steven Jr.
- Fixed the bug with rare mode items being empty in ellora camp at Drakos dungeon entry for all classes (old legacy bug that was never fixed).
- Fixed the remaining Item names for the Normal Secmathian equipment for all classes (they were also always wrong)
- Fixed alot of item descriptions for multi language and multilanguage map and text errors for all 6 languages for over 100 items, 20 maps, aswell as general text missmatching for item descriptions
- Fixed the doubble physical attack stat on normal elga rings to now be both physical and magical attack (if stat still shows double visually, when equipped it will show the correct stats which has been fixed)
- Fixed the Kyrab quest description for "Today We dine on Crab"
- Disabled the "Ranking UI" in regular pvp as it is not in use
- Disabled the external chat window as it is not in use
- Disabled the "Myhome chat rooms" feature as it is not in use
- Removed the option to do "instant crafting" as there is no future plans to utilize/rework this system.
- Cut the PvP selection UI and cropped it so it fits the pvp modes and scales propertly with the screen resolutions
- Removed the "God like skill" and "Grind Master" medal from the game as it will not be used going forward, aswell as it creates unnececary "fomo" (fear of missing out) for drakan players.
Cash Shop additions:
Added the remaining face items to the cash shop:
- Tribal Tattoo Face [Human Male]
- Baby Bear Face [Human Male]
- Brown Eyes [Human Male]
- Deep Green Eyes [Human Male]
- Deep Brown Eyes [Human Male]
- Schemer Eyes [Human Male]
- Blue Eyes [Human Male]
- Deep Blue Eyes [Human Male]
- Heterochromatic Eyes [Human Male]
- Green Eyes [Human Male]
- Cay Eyes [Drakan Male]
- Red Eyes [Drakan Male]
- Purple Eyes [Drakan Male]
New Sets in the Big wheel:
- Angry Rooster Sets
- Samurai Panda Sets
- Vagabond Lion Set
- Over 30 New items has been added in to the big wheel!
New Sets in Mixboard:
- Musketeer Set
- Kendo Set
- Pirate Set
- Tuxedo Set (Human Male only)
- Spacesuit Set
- Mummy Set
- Death Cheater Set
- Jack o Lantern Set
- South Pole Penguin Set
- Hephaestus Set
- Hades Set
- Dracula Set
- Powerful Priest Set
- Fixed it so that every single Balloon and Face item now has identical stats
- 4 additional pages of items in Outfits > Accessories
- 2 additional pages of items in Outfits > Balloons
- 2 more Pages with new permanent Sets (Special and Advanced) in Outfits > Sets
- All sets in Outfits > Sets are now 100% tradable and are no longer soulbound. Going forward only sets in BigWheel and Mix board will remain soulbound.