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Dragonica : Lavalon Awakens

Discussion on Dragonica : Lavalon Awakens within the Dragonica Private Server forum part of the Dragonica category.

Old 01/30/2023, 11:14   #31
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.6]

[General Changes:]
- added black dragon ****** crystal back with a lower chance to arkresia
- added attacking effect to [VIP] cash weapons

- changed all mounts to "This is mine! Lv. 5"

[Bug Fixes:]
- fixed icons of red artemis set
- fixed entrance location of wedding hall
- fixed cupidon, options are changeable now

[Cash Shop:]
- added some hair and faces for drakans

[Lava Shop:]
- added housebuffes to myhome -> furniture

[Skill Changes:]
- Sniping - increased damage to 1500 % - increased amount of shots from 3 to 5
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Old 02/03/2023, 13:28   #32
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.10]

[General Changes:]
- added skills to cupidon pet

- added wings to [VIP] Silver Knight Set
- replaced daily hunter quest rewards with 1000 Cash Pouches

- added 500 cash pouches to daily guild quests

- lollipop, biscuit recipes etc are stackable now
- swaped gold amount of second with first hero recipes
- valentine monsters aren't op anymore
- minimal [III] dexter's bloody set is needed to enter arkresia dungeons
- minimal [tier 1] first hero set is needed to enter isoris dungeons

- added back couple quests

- added [VIP] silver knight set (best stats) to the vending machine for 80 tokens

- added devil soul stones, upgrade tokens and gold coins to the vending machine

10 x Upgrade Token => 5 x [VIP] Dragon Token
100 x Gold Coin => 10 x [VIP] Dragon Token
800 x Devil Soul Stone => 20 x [VIP] Dragon Token
- added golden storm wings, yellow flicking god wings and cat with wings (fashion) to the vending machine for 10 tokens each

[Lava Shop:]
- decreased price of gold coins 100pc => 10 LC

[Minor Fixes:]
- fixed name of [VIP] weapons, it's a cash weapon (not fashion)
- fixed enchant changer +20 search in market

[Future Content:]
- added future content to transfer tower for testing purposes

[Skill Changes:]
- I'm gone Bear - atk increased to 1200 % - increased range and wideness
- Wrath of Earth - removed atk speed scaling
- Incoming Bear! - atk increased to 1500 % - increased wideness
- Sharpness Balde - added 50 % cdmg as buff
- Gust Slash - atk increased to 3000 % - increased range
- Death Bound - atk increased to 3000 % - added atk speed scaling
- Raising Storm - atk increased to 2000 %
- Wyvern Blade - atk increased to 3000 % - fixed range bug
- AW Death Stinger - atk increased to 5000 % - inccreased wideness
- AW Demolition Charge- increased range and wideness
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Old 02/13/2023, 11:30   #33
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.14]

[General Changes:]
- added exchange for kimart's flame, elga's dark flame by skies powder, heavenly metal etc.

- added exchange for gold coins by leo jewels

[Future Content (not released yet):]
- added monsters
- added super dungeons with new ui

[Skill Changes:]
- Gamble - changed buffs

- Wrath of Earth - added back atk speed scale
- Wyvern Blade - increased damage - brought back vanilla values like range
- Wild Rage - reduced cooldown to 90s
- Acceleration - reduced cooldown to 90s
- Bloody Roar - reduced cooldown to 3s

[Patch Notes v.2.11.16]

[General Changes:]
- added exchange for materials to anubis' heart

[Future Content (not released yet):]
- fixed icons
- increased hp, atk and def from monsters
- added debuff
- added backgroundmusic

[Premium Dungeon]
- added premium dungeon to lavalon city

- every round will drop 1 x 50 000 Gold Pouch and 4 x Legendary Lootbox

- Legendary Lootbox contains very rare items, such as +25 enchant changers and anubis' heart

- the dungeon is only enterable with a special key, can be bought in the lava shop for 10 LC

[Skill Changes:]
- Wyvern Blade - should work like vanilla again, dmg stay the same, targets got changed back to vanilla

[Patch Notes v.2.11.18]

[New Content (not released yet):]
- finished all items except recipes
- added drops (for testers, the drop will be removed before release from the inventory)
- fixed some text translation bugs

[Bug Fixes:]
- phoenix mount rolling options
- premium fellowship weapons from arkresia dungeons are now worth 300g

- added new hp/mp potion for lv. 110 to potion npcs

- premium dungeon now gives 1 x 75 000g Pouch instead of 1 x 50 000g

[Skill Changes:]
- Wyvern Blade - increased to 150 range
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Old 02/17/2023, 11:51   #34
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.21]

[General Changes:]
- released reworked alruwman content
- entrance can be found in mount lepion (near anubis dungeon)

- added four super dungeons, with different strenghts (easy, rare and hero mode)

- exchange can be found in presentio

- max level increased to 120
- all dungeon entrances, bosses, items and quests got increased to level 120

[Old Content:]
- decreased dexter accessories misc items by 50 % and weapons T1-T3 from 75 to 40 keys in total
- reduced gold of every arkresia/hero recipe by 50 %

[Lava Shop:]
- added second hero set [T2]
- added [Tier 3] third hero jewels set
- added weapons of the second hero
- added [HP / DMG *] second hero rings

[Bug Fixes:]
- minor fixes like strings etc.
- changed the icons of the tradeable cash pouches
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Old 02/20/2023, 11:16   #35
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.22]

- decreased materials of isoris jewels by half

- added cash pouches to every recipes (caelum => 1000 cash pouch, isoris and other content => 5000 cash pouch each recipe)

- decreased debuff from alruwman dungeons from 70 to 50 %
- increased atk/matk of seraphic weapons by x1.4
- skies path mission boss in arkresia content now drops the socket card boxes on the floor (mission rank isn't important anymore)

- added scrolls for the alruwman dungeons to skip floors, can be found in the lava shop -> teleport

[Bug Fixes:]
- soul craft expand is now working for lv. 120 equipment

- issue in alruwman exchange, replaced the reroll tokens for weapons
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Old 02/27/2023, 11:13   #36
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.25]

[Windy Farm:]
- added higher amounts to exchange (items are now upgradeable from 200 -> 100)

- removed impossible quests from hunter q questtable
- fixed some quest descriptions
- both newbe boxes are now openable with level 1, also the items, contained in there, are now useable with level 1
- fixed visual bug of tier 3 shield elga

- added direct teleport to black dragon claw nest (instead of end of the world)

[Skill Changes:]
- Fire Emblem - added attack speed scale
- Tornado - added atk speed scale
- Blizzard - removed casting time
- Backdraft - added attack speed scale
- Snow Blues - removed casting time
- Meteor Strike - removed casting time
- AW Soul Drain - added attack speed scale
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Old 03/03/2023, 10:58   #37
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.27]

- added unique gif and valentine achievement stats to donation *** achievement

- removed some unused achievements from mission and world category

- double drop-event for last hero and isoris started (all rare items such as kimart's flame, skies powder, isoris chests will drop double)

- started adding some fashion for the upcoming easter event (not available yet)

- fixed gift packages for drakans
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Old 03/06/2023, 10:32   #38
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.28]

[BigWheel Adds:]
- 5x Exp potion x 1
- Golden Potion x 5
- White Rose x 5
- Butterfly Wing x 100
- Dark Crystal x 100
- Cash pouch [1000] x 1
- Gold pouch [500] x 1
- Gold pouch [1000] x 1
- Anubis Heart x 1 [Super rare]
- Legendary key x 1[Super rare]
- Gold coin x 100 [Super rare]
- Enchant Changer +25 x 1 [Super rare]
- Useless 3 housing furniture buffs each separate [Super rare]
- Devil soul stone x 800 [Super rare]
- Premium Gold 7 days [Super rare]
- Premium Gold 30 days [Super rare]
- Hero Alruwman Scrolls x 1 [Rare]

[Premium Dungeon Changes:]
- increased rate of Anubis' Heart and Enchant Changer +25 to 5 %

[Lava Shop Changes:]
- decreased price of w-coins to 8 LC for 10, 40 LC for 55 and 80 LC for 120

- double drop-event for last hero and isoris ended

[Skill Changes:]
- Sharpshooting - increased range to 250
- Rocket Launcher - increased range to 250 - increased dmg to 2500 % + 5000
- Wolf Rush - increased range to 250
- Falcon Frenzy - increased range to 250
- Blitz - increased range to 250
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Old 03/17/2023, 11:11   #39
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.32]

- added easter event to lavalon city

- added new easter achievement

- weapons, jewels have the same stats as valentine jewels
- each round of easter dungeon also drops some gold from the giant rabbits
- added mount for easter event (best stats possible)

- added a lot of other fashion items, such as sets, accessories, balloons, wings etc.

- endairon quests are now acceptable over the quest menu

- double drop event for last hero and isoris started (all rare items such as kimart's flame, skies powder, isoris chests will drop double)
- top-up event started (17th march - 26th march)

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Old 03/31/2023, 11:17   #40
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.35]

[General Changes:]
- added transfer tower to parusian marshes (2)

- decreased materials of easter fashion balloons, wings, ... to 10

- removed annoying message from giant rabbits in the easter dungeon
- range of gold pouches from the giant rabbits is fixed now

[Patch Notes v.2.11.36]

[General Changes:]
- added cape of darkness to lava shop -> accessory -> back for 15 LC

[Skill Changes:]
- Blitz Lv. 10 - decreased to 2s cd
- Falcon Frenzy Lv. 10 - decreased to 2s cd
- Wolf Rush Lv. 10 - decreased to 2s cd

- H.E. Grenade - increased to 5000 % dmg at Lv. 5
- RPG-7 - increased to 4000 % dmg at Lv. 5 and increased the radius
- Homing Missile - increased to 4500 % at Lv. 5 and increased the radius
- Vulcan 300 - increased by 1000 % more dmg at Lv. 5
- Nuclear - increased to 7000 % dmg at Lv. 5
- Ground Zero - increased to 15000 % dmg at Lv. 5

[Patch Notes v.2.11.40]

[General Changes:]
- restricted alruwman scrolls from trading, vault, market and mail

[Easter Event:]
- easter accessories and the easter set are now available for drakans
- decreased misc items for easter accessories from 30 to 10
- added exchange 100 x 50g pouches to 1 x 5000g pouch

- added 4th classchange quests to drakans (without classchange, but you can get the +25 scroll now)

[Skill Adds:]
__added 4th classjob skills to 3th classjob:__
(Earth Master)
- Ancient Grudge (gives up to 150 % crit dmg)
- Planet Control (gives up to 40 % magical amp)
- Spirit Machinegun (two seconds less cooldown for every skill)

- Limit Breaking (gives up to 75 % crit dmg)
- War Instrinct (gives up to 40 % phy amp)
- Endless Barage (two seconds less cooldown for every skill)

[Skill Changes:]
- Cross Cut - decreased to 2s cooldown at lv. 5
- Spear Jab - decreased to 2s cooldown at lv. 10
- Aerial Smackdown - decreased to 2s cooldown at lv. 10

- Meteor Strike - decreased cooldown by half

- Bow Mastery - should work correctly now and gives up to 55 % phy amp
- Multi Shot - increased dmg
- Double Strike - increased dmg

- RPG7 - reverted range
- [Ulti] Ground Zero - increased dmg
- Gatling Rush - decreased to 3s cooldown at lv. 5 - increased dmg
- Carpet Bombing - decreased to 3s cooldown

- [Ulti] Multi Illusion - increased dmg
- Swift Attack - scales with atk speed now
- Ambush - increased range
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Old 04/28/2023, 16:28   #41
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.41]

[General Changes:]
- baby extertrollo, skull ked, panther and lionisis pet can now pickup items etc.

[Skill Changes:]
- fixed bow mastery, should work correctly now

(Earth Master)
- Smart Shot - added atk speed scale
- Dragon Tooth - added atk speed scale

[Patch Notes v.2.11.43]

[General Changes:]
changed stats of [VIP] sun weapon for each class to:
atk range +20 %, atk speed +20 %, final critial success rate +7 %, max atk/min atk 3200, movement speed +26.5 % and crit damage 150 %

[Lavashop Adds:]
weapon for each class added to lava shop [main -> specials] for 30 LC
stats: atk range +20 %, atk speed +20 %, final critical success rate +6.5 %, max atk/min atk 3000, movement speed +25 % and crit damage 120 %

[Skill Changes:]
- added "Remove Attacking Speed" passive to third class skill tree to fix the problem with too much atk speed max level 5 => -100 % ATK Speed

(Earth Master)
- Spirit Counterattack - increased duration to 15 min - increased chance to reflect to 100 %
- Summon Blesser - increased duration to 45 min
- Nature Blessing - increased defense for spirits by x100
- Summon Mist/Dyke/Doonamik/Kalki/Golgon/Dark Knight - increased duration to 45 min - doubled the amount of reaction and atk speed

[Patch Notes v.2.11.44]

[Future Content:]
- began reworking windy content
- added first dungeon for intern testing purposes

- changed some texts

[General Changes:]
- added new exchange for skies stones and crystal residues (3 crystal residues => 1 skies stone or 1 skies stone => 1 crystal residue)

- decreased mats of tier 4 paris cash set in caelum from 20 to 15

[Skill Changes:]
- Spark Rock - increased damage - decreased cooldown
- Rain of Fire - increased damage
- Lightning Magnet - increased radius - decreased cooldown
- Lightning Storm - fixed amount of enemies
- Double Shot - added attack speed scalling (testing purpose)
- Diffusion Cannon - added attack speed scalling (testing purpose)
- Blessing - changed base attack/defense to amp

- added "Remove Attacking Speed" passive to third class skill tree to fix the problem with too much atk speed max level 5 => -200 % ATK Speed

[Patch Notes v.2.11.47]

[New Content (In preparation):]
- reworked vagabond, vegas, sanka and kunka missions as unique dungeons
- increased the level of all field monsters
- changed some textlabels

[Skill Changes:]
- Lightning Storm - fixed animation time
- Spark Rock - increased dmg
- Rain of Fire - increased area
- Wraith of Heaven - added atk speed scaling

(Earth Master)
- Spell Trap - increased range - added atk speed scaling
- Spike Wave - increased range - decreased cooldown
- Mega Spike Wave - increased range - decreased cooldown

[Patch Notes v.2.11.49]

[New Content (in preparation):]
- added new debuff to every dungeon
- decreased hp of monsters due the new debuff
- fixed hp and atk of xerxes boss

[Bug Fixes:]
- fixed icons for modern ninja set

- Rain of Fire - increased targets by x2
- Wraith of Heaven - increased targets by x2
- Spark Rock - increased targets by x2 - increased damage by x3
- Lightning Magnet - increased targets by x2
- Chain Lightning - added attack speed scaling - increased damage - increased range - increased targets

- H.E Grenade - increased range
- Nuclear - increased range

[Patch Notes v.2.11.50]

[New Content (just tests, nothing official yet):]
- seperated debuffs for field and bossroom
- field debuff has -125 % dmg amp and -4000 % cdmg
- bossroom debuff has -175 % dmg amp and -5000 % cdmg

- removed second and last hero dmg/hp rings
- rebalanced all ring stats starting from dexter
- rebalanced all weapon stats starting from dexter

[Cherry Blossom:]
- boss now drops 3 x 100g pouch each round
- added exchange for 10 x 100g pouch -> 1 x 1000g pouch and 100 x 100g pouch -> 10 x 10000g pouch

- added exchange for 1 x bloody arm -> 10 x soul flame, 10 x crimson soul, 10 x soulful ore or 10 x soul nucleus
- added exchange for 1 x bloody arm -> 1 x mutisha's bloody battleplate, 1 x mutisha's bloody helmet or 1 x mutisha's bloody shoes
- added exchange for 1 x bloody arm -> 1 x cetirus mysterious gloves, 1 x cetirus mysterious pants or 1 x cetirus mysterious shoulders

- Gatling Rush - increased area by x2
- H.E Grenade - decreased back range (didn't work) - increased targets by x2
- Particle Canon - removed animation time
- Two Action Shot - increased damage by x2

[Patch Notes v.2.11.51]

[New Content Changes (Not released yet):]
- added drops to the vegabond, vegas, sankga and kunkah dungeon (will be removed from the inventories after release)
- removed some monsters from the bossroom due higher amp debuff
- decreased boss debuff to 4000 % cdmg and increased to 250 % AMP
- decreased field debuff to 3500 % cdmg

[General Changes:]
- removed pvp quest from dony's request
- fixed exchange for caelum materials to bloody arm

- decreased monster/boss hp/def from arkresia content due the rework of the rings, weapons

[Skill Changes:]
- Windmill - doubled damage - increased targets to 15
- Head Spin - increased targets to 12
- Screwdriver - increased targets to 15

- Falcon Frenzy - increased range

- Fortress - added attack speed scale - increased range - increased damage

[Patch Notes v.2.11.55]

[New Content released:]
- added entrance portal to lavalon city (behind the class npcs)

- added exchange to don morgan in odellia
- added recipes, jewels exchange and a lot more

- added new debuffs (2 each) to the dungeon and bossroom (one is removeable by the new set)
- added daily quest to don morgan in odellia

- added daily quest to don morgan in the wolves' den premium dungeon in lavalon city

(You need these quests to get a entrance ticket for the daily dungeon of xerxe's hideout)
The xerxe's hideout dungeon drops two lootboxes of:

Rahnoff's Lootbox
- [30 %] - 25 x Gold Coins
- [10 %] - 10 x Artifact Enchant Insurance Scroll
- [40 %] - 15 x Regular Enchant Insurance Scroll
- [40 %] - 15 x Reinforced Enchant Insurance Scroll
- [20 %] - 15 x Lv. 2 Insurance Scroll
- [20 %] - 15 x Lv. 9 Insurance Scroll
- [40 %] - 5 x 1000 Gold Pouch
- [33 %] - 10 x 1000 Gold Pouch
- [70 %] - 2 x 1000 Gold Pouch
- [70 %] - 1 x 500 Cash Pouch
- [50 %] - 1 x 1000 Cash Pouch
- [50 %] - 2 x 1000 Cash Pouch
- [10 %] - 5 x W-Coins
- [1 %] - 1 x Advanced Soul Craft Randomizer
- [25 %] - 25 x Vegabond's Necklace
- [25 %] - 25 x Vegas' Hair
- [25 %] - 25 x Sangka's Horn Flute
- [25 %] - 25 x Kunkah's Shoulder Ornament
- [100 %] - 1 x Rahnoff's Heart
- [2 %] - 1 x [Lv.9]9* 'MGC ATK Enhanced' Socket Card
- [2 %] - 1 x [Lv.9]9* 'PHY ATK Enhanced' Socket Card
- [2 %] - 1 x [Lv.9]9* 'Critical DMG Enhanced' Socket Card

- also it drops Rahnoff's Heart with 100 % chance (you need this item to craft the eq items)

The Rahnoff's Heart is also available through the normal misc items exchange.

PS: you can get a second key for enter the dungeon one time more by doing the premium dungeon with the legendary key from the lava shop.

[Premium Dungeon Changes:]
- added npc don morgan to the premium dungeon

- increased gold pouch from 75 000g to 100 000g

[General Changes:]
- max level increased to level 140 (but less exp needed than from 100-120)
- guild quests should work correctly now
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Old 06/02/2023, 00:17   #42
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[Patch Notes v.2.11.57]

- fixed some level restrictions from level 120 -> 140
- emerald portable hammer is now useable for items up to level 140
- fixed stats of the new valkyrie sets
- misc items of windia except rahnoff's heart are tradeable now
- fixed bonus stats up to level 140
- fixed exp gaining in the new content
- fixed drop rate event (all rare items will be x2 now)
- decreased the debuff for amp atk bossroom new dungeons

[Patch Notes v.2.11.59]

- fixed option expand for level 140 items
- fixed holy cross and angel's feather

- upgraded vip cash set to be better than the new cash set tier 3
- removed monsters at the xerxe's dungeon entrance
- removed 1 x 100 materials from sun god weapons and added 1 x anubis heart as exchange, also removed the anubis heart to weapon exchange

- added new hp / mp potions for level 130

- added new cash sets for windia (tier 1-3) to exchange don morgan (no textures for drakans yet, will be fixed)

- added repair npc to every dungeon in windia

[Skill Changes:]
(Earth Master)
- debuffed skill dragoon tooth (too op)

[Patch Notes v.2.11.62]

[Cash Shop adds:]
For drakans:
- Black Set [Female]
- Burgundy Set [Female]
- Tape of Gold Set [Female]
- Eden Set [Female]
- Best Cutie Maid Set [Male and Female]
- Fantasy Priest Set [Male]
- 2nd Year Anniversary Priest/Phytonnes Set [Male]
- Cutie Attendant Red Set [Male/Female]
- Classic Attendant Dress Light Grey Set [Male/Female]
- Duke [Duchess] of Vankos Set [Male]

All classes:
- Sly Little Wizard Set [Unisex]

[Lava Shop adds:]
- added back Char Booster (limited item)

- Soul of Lavalon Set (T1)
- First Hero Set (T1) and Weapon (T1) +25
- Hero Rings DMG* and HP*
- First Hero Jewels Set (T1)
- LC Weapon (Fashion) of your choice
- 1600 Devil Soul Stones
- Class Balloon (T15)
- Lv. 120 boost + 4th Classjob
Mail the Item to 'Anixa'. Procedure takes up to 48 hours.

[Windia Rework:]
- removed the 2nd boss-debuff and migrated it to one debuff
- added the 2nd windia debuff stats as buff on the 6 part set effect of the new set
(since you'll get a buff of 40 % AMP and 1050 % CDMG now, there won't be a debuff remove for boss anymore, since the new buffs applies everywhere now)

Without set effect:

With 6 parts set effect:

[Patch Notes v.2.11.63]

[Easter Event:]
- removed event dungeon
- npc to exchange will stay a week more

[Cherry Blossom:]
- since easter is removed now, we decided to increase the gold of cherry blossom to 3 x 200g (600g) each round

- at the cherry blossom exchange you can now trade up the new 200g pouches to 1000g pouches

[Orc Field:]
- mobs are now level 130 with level 130-140 to drop devil soul stones

[Prem. Dungeon Rework:]
New Legendary Lootbox table:
- [15 %] - 1 x 1000 Cash Pouch
- [10 %] - 3 x 1000 Cash Pouch
- [5 %] - 5 x 1000 Cash Pouch
- [10 %] - 25 x Regular Enchant Insurance Scroll
- [10 %] - 25 x Reinforced Enchant Insurance Scroll
- [15 %] - 25 x Artifact Enchant Insurance Scroll
- [10 %] - 50 x Soul Craft Randomizer
- [15 %] - 100 x Gold Coin
- [15 %] - 1 x Enchant Changer (+20)
- [10 %] - 10 x W-Coin
- [15 %] - 400 x Devil Soul Stone
- [10 %] - 1 x Enchant Changer (+25)
- [10 %] - 1 x Rahnoff's Heart

[Lava Shop:]
- added Soul Craft Move (Moves your soulcraft options (like 4 x cdmg) from one to another item. No level requirement. Mail the Item to 'Anixa'. Procedure takes up to 48 hours.)
for 60 LC to the Lava Shop.

[Patch Notes v.2.11.64]

[General Changes:]
- all windia eq items are tradeable now
- orc field now scales with lv. 110, 120 and 130-140
- skies path now scales with lv. 110, 120 and 130-140
- alvida bronze coin farm mission etc. now scales with lv. 110, 120 and 130-140
- added exchange from lava shop set tier 3 soul of lavalon to windia costume cash set

[Skill Changes:]
- Stamper - increased damge - increased hited targets
- Spin Blade - increased damage - increased hited targets
- Infinite Kicking - increased damage - increased hited targets
- Rising Drop Kick - increased damage - increased hited targets
- Slide Kicking - increased damage - increased hited targets
- Cross Fist (Ultimate) - increased damage - increased hited targets

- Gatling Rush - increased hited targets
- H.E Grenade - increased area damage

- Windmill - increased hited targets

[Patch Notes v.2.11.65]

[General Changes:]
- removed anubis' heart from bigwheel
- removed 2 maps from vegabond, vegas and sanka dungeon
- removed 3 maps from kunka dungeon

[New Exchanges:]
- 1 x Anubis Heart - 75 x misc materials of last hero, 50 x misc materials of isoris or 20 x misc materials of alruwman
- 5 x Anubis Heart - 10 x misc materials of last hero or alruwman
- 2 x Anubis Heart - 50 x misc materials of new content windia

- added gold drop (5 % => 50g pouches, 1 % => 200g pouches) to all dungeon maps of windia content (except rahnoff)

[Skill Changs:]
- Wolf Rush - increased targets
- Falcon Frenzy - increased targets
- Blitz - increased targets

- Head Spin - increased targets

[Patch Notes v.2.11.66]

[General Changes:]
- added small and large gold pouches exchangeable to 1000g pouches at the vending machine in lavalon city

[Alruwman Rework:]
- removed all drops, added lootboxes instead (100 % - 4 rewards now)
- 5 of each seraphic hearts are now exchangeable to 1 x anubis heart

[Caelum Rework:]
- reduced spirit's dungeon to 2 field maps
- added soul flame, crimson soul etc. back to the dungeon field map drop

[Skill Changes:]
- MC Rocket Blow : increased dmg - increased targets
- MC Dragón Kick : increased dmg
- Non stop Kick : increased dmg
- Dragon Uppercut : increased dmg
- Infinite Turning kick : increased dmg - reduced cd by 1s
- Rolling Grable : increased dmg - reduced cd by 1s
- Slide Kick : increased dmg - reduced cd by 3s
- Tornado Uppercut : increased dmg - targets - reduced cd by 2s

- Impact Blow : increased dmg - increased targets - reduced cd by 1s
- Finish move : increased dmg - increased targets - reduced cd by 1s
- Ghost : figther : increased dmg - increased targets - reduced cd by 3s
- Finish impact : increased dmg - increased targets - reduced cd by 2s

- Spin blade : reduced cd by 2s
- Infinite Kicking : reduced cd by 2s
- Fusion Boss : increased duration

- added -2s cooldown toggle buff to 4th classjob

[Patch Notes v.2.11.69]

[Summer Event:]
- changed login, added new music etc.

- removed cookie lavalon city and added summer themed items

- added summer beach dungeon with 10 waves

- added exchange with fashion, jewels, weapon (+ effect) and pet (max stats)

- added new achievement (need 100 entries)

Devilrider is offline  
Old 08/22/2023, 07:00   #43
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Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 8
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This server is dirty trash, pay to win. Staffs are just useless.
mailbansim3 is offline  
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Old 08/24/2023, 15:16   #44
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elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 339
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Originally Posted by mailbansim3 View Post
This server is dirty trash, pay to win. Staffs are just useless.

We appreciate your feedback, and we want to clarify that our server is indeed designed to be free-to-play, with opportunities to earn cash currency in dungeons like cherry blossom or red queen. However, we're sorry to hear that you still found aspects of the server unfavorable. We're committed to providing the best possible experience for our players, so please feel free to share any specific concerns or suggestions you may have, as they will help us enhance the server for everyone's enjoyment. Thank you for your input.
Devilrider is offline  

dragonica, dragonica gpotato, dragonica pserver, dragonsaga

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