Updated 01.04
Added camera pitch
Added visible by enemy script that changes colors on minimap when your enemy sees you
infinite gold (host only) still broken
If something isn't working try change hotkeys in CE and check Numlock
Numpad - camera down
Numpad + camera up
Numpad 1 fog off
Numpad 2 fog on
Numpad 4 weather changer
Numpad 5 Particle maphack
Numpad 6 reset weather + water
Numpad 8 Infinite gold (HOST ONLY) sometimes not working
Numpad 9 Maphack (HOST ONLY)
Numpad * Default cam
7 Rotate cam left
8 Rotate cam right
1+2 High camera
+ Camera pitch up
- Camera pitch down
Download cheat engine table (Use at your own risk)
Before use protect cheat engine or you will get VAC
every function in cheat table: