Wts 130 Summoner 01/01/2010 - Dekaron Trading - 6 Replies Waiting to sell 130 Summoner Clean on siz maybe for steam accounts dil, but mainly usd through paypal pm me
WTT 116 summoner siz 12/27/2009 - Dekaron Trading - 0 Replies trading 116 summy for a 115+ bagi can be naked or mage
summy has full 6 including weps
B>102+ Summoner 10/31/2008 - Trading - 2 Replies Buying 102+ Summoner on trieste or abbadon. I can offer dil or other accounts.
Also selling a 112 Mage with +4 L3 gloves, +3/+4 100+ armor and cash items. Just pm me your msn and i'll tell you more details about it. If you're on the list in my sig don't bother pming me. kthx. ;D
WTT SUMMONER 92 06/14/2008 - Trading - 6 Replies want to trade for any hunter 80+ or ak 85+
got custome / 1000 mp back pack / 4 inventory
reply for interesed ....