[WTS]132 Mage [Helion] 06/26/2010 - Dekaron Trading - 5 Replies Nothing much to add. It's a naked lvl 132 mage. GameHi account and it comes with secret answer.
- Strengthened dark eye
- Duron fishing rod 40% cast rate
- 40 Crespo obsidians
- 220Crevice stones
- Trans up quest done so its ready to rock =D!
Looking for real money only! Or Ingame dil/items = 200-300kk!
WTS./wtt. lvl 137 AK, 111 Mage and a lvl 110 AK. HELION! 06/25/2010 - Dekaron Trading - 2 Replies Hey guys. im Selling/Tradeing some Helion Chars Only for Dills in Helion.
WTS lvl 137 AK for 350-450kk
WTT lvl 137 AK for a lvl 117-129 AK. + u have to Add some Cash if ur Ak doesent Have a Realy good EQ.
WTS lvl 111 MAGE for 150-250kk. SOLD
WTT lvl 111 MAGE for 117-129 AK + i can add some Cash. SOLD
WTS lvl 110 AK 150-250kk