Unbanning yourself 08/03/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 7 Replies After getting hit with a 3 day Suspension, and getting bored, I figure out a nice trick to unsuspend yourself. Log into your suspended account and goto My Subscriptions, then goto View/Edit for Star Wars Galaxies, you'll see status: Suspended. at this screen put this URL into your browser
https://swgbl.station.sony.com/web/subscrip...cti on=cancelSub
This will change your status to 'Cenceled' rather than Suspended, allowing you to login and post on forum. Congrats you just unsuspended...
Unbanning? 04/27/2010 - Dekaron - 12 Replies Is there anyone I could pay, any amount of sum of money, to get an account unbanned? :o or is it impossible? :pimp:
unbanning acccounts? 08/04/2009 - Kal Online - 4 Replies i searched everywhere through the forum and cant find how to unban accounts on int server, if there is a way, please tell me =/
unbanning 11/24/2007 - Conquer Online 2 - 5 Replies is there a way to unban your char/noob if its banned?
Unbanning An Acount? 07/12/2007 - Conquer Online 2 - 24 Replies i was wondering if there is a way of unbanning and account without getting a gm to do it, like a way to log in to get stuff of a character or something, like make them think you are logging on on account but it really logs into another, if anyone know anything, some feedback would be greatly apreciated, i emailed them and they said it would cost me $400 to get my account back, which is bullshit cause i did nothing to get banne on it, they said it was cause someone traded me fraud dbs, anyways...