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[Guide] Enabling PHP in your IIS webserver

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[Guide] Enabling PHP in your IIS webserver

well, in the last guide we learned how to install IIS, but for kal specifically you generally need PHP (unless you recoded everything in ASP), so in this guide im going to teach you how to do just that, install PHP and enable it in IIS.

please excuse the dodgy illustrations on my screenshots, i did them in MS Paint lol.

well, unlike IIS, you dont already have PHP on your computer (unless you already chose to install it previously)

you can download it

alright, once thats downloaded what you need to do is install it. its easy to install, just click the install file and click next. leave everything you dont know how to configure properly as default.

now that our PHP parser is installed, we can tell IIS where to find it, and which files to ask it to parse.

ok, firstly, go to your control panel, then click Administrative Tools and then Internet Information Service. Expand the little folder icon labled 'Web sites' on the left hand column, and right click on Default Web Site (unless you have already created more sites), once you see the right click menu, select properties. (see screenshot below)

once you are in the properties dialog, what you need to do is click the Home Directory tab (at the top), then about halfway down find a button labled Configuration, click it. (see screenshot below)

after clicking that Configuation button, you will get a dialog with a heap of different filetypes listed. this basically tells IIS what parser to use for each different extension. theres already ones for HTML and various ASP spinoffs, what we need to do is tell it where our installation of PHP is (so it can parse our PHP pages with it), what you need to do is click Add, this will take you to the next dialog. this is where we will direct it to our PHP parser.

now you should have a dialog with a few input boxes, this should be pretty straight forward, you can enter the path details by using the browse button. in the extension field you should enter .php ( dot php ). click ok and you will see the executable path added to the list for the .php extension. after that, click on all the windows until you have closed all the dialogs. you have sucessfully configured IIS to run PHP files! =]

Thanks for reading, i hope i helped you
janvier123 is offline  

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