well, for those who dont know, IIS is quite an advanced web server that comes standard with all microsoft operating systems from Windows 2000 to Server 2008/Windows 7
it uses alot less resources than apache, and has alot of features it dosent. the only real drawbacks are that it does not include php as standard or mysql (neither does apache, but most users have apache in a package such as wamp or xampp), it does though support ASP out of the box, and have an error reporting system that apache can only dream of.
well, i suppose your thinking "so where do i ge this wonderful piece of software?" well, to most people's surprise, you already have it! all you have to do is turn it on. this will enable it's standard configuration. il probably write a few tweaking guides later on.
but firstly, lets learn to crawl before we walk and learn how to turn it on.
To install IIS on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003:
1. go to the Control Panel and click Add or Remove Programs.
2. In that window, click Add/Remove Windows Components.
3. Select the Internet Information Services (IIS) check box, click Next, then click Finish.
To install IIS on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008:
1. go to the Control Panel (make sure you have Classic View enabled) and click Programs and Features.
2. In that window, go to the left column and click Turn Windows features on or off.
3. Select the Internet Information Services (IIS) check box,expand it, and click World Wide Web Services and Web Management Tools, then click ok.
IIS's web folder is located at C:/Inetpub and thats where you can place your html/asp files to be served to the internet. please remmeber that it cannot handle PHP yet. im writing a guide to enabling PHP soon.
This concludes my first guide in the series, now that was easy wasnt it? ^.^