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anyone can post DAMAGE HACK or Skill Hack For my Vac Hack fully info here

Discussion on anyone can post DAMAGE HACK or Skill Hack For my Vac Hack fully info here within the Dekaron Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros forum part of the Dekaron category.

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Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2008
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Wink CE vac-hack sea (EASY WAY) :)

pm me then i trade my hack =)
add me yahoo messenger just pm me 24/7 =P
this is DEKARON SEA =)

1st stage
1.) open ur dekaron launcher then log in..
2.) open CE 5.5 go to process list then look for dekaron.exe
3.) scan the array of byte's non-agro adress - 0F B7 86 48 01 00 00
4.) then right click that u scan then click the Disassemble this memory region then ctrl A
5.) paste the non agro code - copy below. -then inject it


jmp newmem

newmem: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access
//place your code here

movzx eax,word ptr [esi+00000148]

//mov eax,01
//mov word ptr [esi+00000156],ax
mov [esi+00000070],40400000 // speed mob
//40c00000 = 6 lv 1 (to replace the above blue color)
//41400000 = 12 lv 2 (to replace the above blue color)
//41c00000 = 24 lv 3 (to replace the above blue color)
mov byte ptr [esi+00000174],00 // malee attack range = 0
mov byte ptr [esi+00000244],00 // magic attack range = 0
mov [esi+00000240],0000000 //other attack range = 0
mov [esi+0000023c],0000000 //other attack range = 0
mov [esi+00000238],0000000 //other attack range = 0
mov eax,03
mov word ptr [esi+00000148],ax

jmp returnhere


movzx eax,word ptr [esi+00000148]

2nd stage..
1.) scan this adress - 8B 50 1C 89 51 20 8B 50 20 89 - array of bytes
2.) then right click that u scan then click the Disassemble this memory region then ctrl A
3.) paste the vac hack code - copy below. -then inject it


jmp newmem

//DwExploreRange eax
mov [eax+08],00000500//DwSight eax+08
mov [eax+04],00000500//DwPersuitRange eax+04
//DwAvoidRange eax+0C
mov [eax+10],00000064//DwExploreStandDelay eax+10
mov [eax+14],00000064//DwExploreMoveDelay eax+14
mov [eax+18],00000064//DwStandDelay eax+18
mov [eax+1C],00000064//DwMoveDelay eax+1C
//DwFollowMyMasterRange eax+20
//DwStopMasterNear eax+24
//DwWarpMyMasterRange eax+28
mov [eax+2C],00000064//DwCallTeamPossibelHP eax+2C
mov [eax+30],00000020//DwCallTeamCount eax+30
mov [eax+34],00000000//DwBlockNFirstAttack eax+34
mov [eax+38],00000020//dwCallTeamCell byte[eax+38]
//dwFollowTarget eax+3C
mov [eax+40],00000000//DwUnderAttackAggro eax+40
mov [eax+44],00000000//DwMeleeAttackRangeInAggro eax+44
mov [eax+48],00000000//DwRangeAttackRangeInAggro eax+48
//DwSightInAggro eax+4C
//DwDefeatAggro eax+50
mov [eax+54],00000000//DwBlockedAggro eax+54
mov [eax+58],00000000//DwSlideAggro eax+58
mov [eax+5C],00000000//DwHealAggro eax+5C
//DwMasterUnderAttackAggro eax+50
//DwMasterDefeatAggro eax+54
//DwMasterBlockingAggro eax+58
//DwMasterSlideAggro eax+5C
//DwCOmplusionUnderAttackAggro eax+60
//dwMaxSummonsMonsterCount eax+64
//dwReSummonsMonsterTick eax+68
//dwMaxSummonsMonsterRange eax+6C
//dwSummonsStartPcCountPatternType eax+70

mov edx,[eax+1c]
mov [ecx+20],edx

mov edx,10 // number spawn
mov [eax+8c],edx

mov edx,01 // time delay spawn
mov [eax+90],edx

mov edx,200 // # follow monster
mov [eax+3C],edx

//mov [ecx+20],edx // # follow my master
jmp returnhere

mov edx,[eax+1c]
mov [ecx+20],edx

push 60
push 00a37158
call 00832d18
mov edi,00000094
mov eax,edi
call 0082f430
mov [ebp-18],esp
mov esi,esp
push esi
call dword ptr [009c7194]
mov ecx,[esi+10]
mov [00ba02d0],ecx
mov eax,[esi+04]
mov [00ba02dc],eax
mov edx,[esi+08]
mov [00ba02e0],edx
mov esi,[esi+0c]
and esi,00007fff
mov [00ba02d4],esi
cmp ecx,02
or esi,00008000
mov [00ba02d4],esi

shl eax,08
add eax,edx
mov [00ba02d8],eax
xor esi,esi
push esi
mov edi,[009c71a4]
call edi
cmp word ptr [eax],5a4d
jne 0082cafd
mov ecx,[eax+3c]
add ecx,eax

done !!
sry for my english hope you understand =) DROP SOME THANKS MAN +_+
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Old 08/16/2009, 11:11   #2
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i have THe script oF Skill,
BUt I dont KNow THe Adress IN Sea
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Old 08/16/2009, 17:04   #3
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by vitaminR View Post
i have THe script oF Skill,
BUt I dont KNow THe Adress IN Sea
can you give me =)
DeadlyChadz is offline  
Old 08/16/2009, 17:33   #4
elite*gold: 0
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No, skill hack is forbidden here.

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