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Wallhack - Step by step (Tutorial)

Discussion on Wallhack - Step by step (Tutorial) within the Dekaron Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros forum part of the Dekaron category.

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kikichan's Avatar
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Wallhack - Step by step (Tutorial)

Since many dont know how to even wallhack by following the others tutorial. Here ill make a really easy one for ya.

First open 2moons with ggk so you can use CE (Cheat Engine).

You have to click on the button on top left which look like a computer.

Browse for 2moons or w/e you named it.

On value, left click it and pick Text. Then type in w/e name you want wallhack on. The name list is provided below this tutorial. Then click New Scan.

Right click any of the test result and click Browse This Memory Region.

You will find many Draco.mac but if you scroll down a little bit and see
Map\13_Draco\NPC3_13_Draco.csv then its the correct one. Others map will be like this but that map name.

Now all you have to do is change draco.mac or any other map name into web_image.mac and your done. If you edit the map during in that map you have to relog for wallhack to work.

Braikencastle =braiken.mac
Loa castle =   loa.mac
North ares =   ares_n.mac
Nort Morte =   morte_n.mac
Denebe =       deneb.mac
Castor Cave =  castor.mac
Norak Cave=    norak.mac
Castor 2nd=    castor_2.mac
Norak 2nd=     norak_2.mac
Heiharp =      haihaff.mac
Parca Temple = parca.mac
Frozen valley= crevasse.mac
Crespo=        crespo.mac
Draco Desert=  draco.mac
Requies Beach= requies.mac
Avalon Island= avalon.mac
PythonCastle=  Python.mac
Tomb ofB.Drag= python_below.mac
Cursed Maze=   python_below_2.mac
Aquarius=      Undersea.mac
Crespo Dun=    indun_02.mac
Jail = prison.mac
Acquarai Ruins= highland.mac

To view better. Click on the video and click HD.

Credit to Alleyn for the map name.
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Old 03/30/2009, 22:36   #2
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how u get to cursed maze? from tomb of the black dragon whats the coordinates? i cant find a way to get into cursed maze..
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Old 03/30/2009, 22:42   #3
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No teleport scrip is going to give out.
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Old 03/30/2009, 22:49   #4
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Kikichan....Alleyn made a great tut about how to do this and it was basically spoonfeeding the leechers so he took it down. You make it sound like all the other tuts suck..personally i feel Alleyn's was the best and this one is just ok. Well anyways have fun with the leechers asking you for this and that 24/7....
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Old 03/30/2009, 23:29   #5
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Something that a lot of people seem to not understand with CE and wall hacking is what I'm going to cover in this post.

Now say we are using draco.mac for are scan, (chose this map because usually 8-10 addresses come up.) After you make the scan the address's will come up on the left hand side. Now here is the key part to wall hacking.

Only use the address's that are not paired. What I mean by this is simple.

Here is a sample address list:


now as you can see, 14458921G37, 105BED42151, and 1XAG5632581 are the single address's, these are the address's that you want to change to web_image.mac

The paired address's are related map items that edit monsters, gates, portals, npcs, drops, drop rates, etc...

The best example of this is Python.mac and python.mac. Each come up with search results but Python.mac is the one we want to use. Now 90% of the time you will get 3 singled address's. This is because python.mac controls the other info.

So as long as you remember this you will get no crashes and 100% working wall hack rate

EDIT: There is a working teleport but as kiki said not going to get released so don't pm me. There is a working map hack but waiting to see if Kiki will aprove of it.
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Old 03/30/2009, 23:36   #6
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Originally Posted by noname231 View Post
Second Edit: NHS touched on this in one of his threads.

Something that a lot of people seem to not understand with CE and wall hacking is what I'm going to cover in this post.

Now say we are using draco.mac for are scan, (chose this map because usually 8-10 addresses come up.) After you make the scan the address's will come up on the left hand side. Now here is the key part to wall hacking.

Only use the address's that are not paired. What I mean by this is simple.

Here is a sample address list:


now as you can see, 14458921G37, 105BED42151, and 1XAG5632581 are the single address's, these are the address's that you want to change to web_image.mac

The paired address's are related map items that edit monsters, gates, portals, npcs, drops, drop rates, etc...

The best example of this is Python.mac and python.mac. Each come up with search results but Python.mac is the one we want to use. Now 90% of the time you will get 3 singled address's. This is because python.mac controls the other info.

So as long as you remember this you will get no crashes and 100% working wall hack rate

EDIT: There is a working teleport but as kiki said not going to get released so don't pm me. There is a working map hack but waiting to see if Kiki will aprove of it.
Thnx for the credit man. Lol some leecher on my thread said that it would be alot easier if you just changed the all of the addresses well you know what i did... -.-
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Old 03/30/2009, 23:53   #7
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Originally Posted by noname231 View Post
Second Edit: NHS touched on this in one of his threads.

Something that a lot of people seem to not understand with CE and wall hacking is what I'm going to cover in this post.

Now say we are using draco.mac for are scan, (chose this map because usually 8-10 addresses come up.) After you make the scan the address's will come up on the left hand side. Now here is the key part to wall hacking.

Only use the address's that are not paired. What I mean by this is simple.

Here is a sample address list:


now as you can see, 14458921G37, 105BED42151, and 1XAG5632581 are the single address's, these are the address's that you want to change to web_image.mac

The paired address's are related map items that edit monsters, gates, portals, npcs, drops, drop rates, etc...

The best example of this is Python.mac and python.mac. Each come up with search results but Python.mac is the one we want to use. Now 90% of the time you will get 3 singled address's. This is because python.mac controls the other info.

So as long as you remember this you will get no crashes and 100% working wall hack rate

EDIT: There is a working teleport but as kiki said not going to get released so don't pm me. There is a working map hack but waiting to see if Kiki will aprove of it.

ahh i know this map hack its pretty easy to do as i rember with the csv's dont release it pls
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Old 03/31/2009, 05:35   #8
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and close those are enough,,,,
prolly next post might be..: need lvl hack pls/fortify hack(out of subject)

adorable quality of photos
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Old 03/31/2009, 15:48   #9
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Originally Posted by MrAnestis View Post

and close those are enough,,,,
prolly next post might be..: need lvl hack pls/fortify hack(out of subject)

adorable quality of photos

Why sticky? Others have made great tuts on this and theirs wasnt stickied. And what gives you the right to ask for this thread to be closed when people could have questions? And in response to your leeching question there is no fortify hack!
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Old 03/31/2009, 15:51   #10
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Well but there will still be people asking how to make wh, just look into 2m disscussion section
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Old 03/31/2009, 21:17   #11
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hey thx for givin me credit for the mapnames
i thought i recognized my maps lol
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Old 03/31/2009, 21:23   #12
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No script given out pure tutorial. Simple and nice i would say.
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Old 03/31/2009, 22:27   #13
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If the /\l0()l3s want a script they can make 1 themselves lol not too hard
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Old 04/01/2009, 06:31   #14
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The way i do it:

1. Search for your map e.g. - draco.mac
2. Pick last 2 addresses and doube click it
3. Change value to web_image.mac

i dont knwo if im right but most of the addresses for map have a ''C'' ni it?
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Old 04/01/2009, 06:35   #15
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can anyone tell me where to get damage hack??? and if there is really any damage hack??
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