Originally Posted by snipa120
1) never got invited to a discord group before or after purchase? So sounds fishy
2) never informed there was a ban wave via discord or thread? So sounds fishy
3) brand new account with 7 posts, and you've been using it for 2 years? Sounds reputable
I'm just warning people, very unlikely that I just happened to join 12 hours before the first banwave in 2 years xD
Well clearly you're not in the private discord. So your opinion is invalid. Claiming I am a fake account is funny, not everyone spams post and some people lurk such as myself. I simply do not care what my ePVP account looks like because I am here to lurk. Not one time did I say I used it for 2years I just said I've been using it for a very long time without any issues and I still am using one of his other projects perfectly fine.
He more than likely closed his post because he is working on updating the cheese which he also stated in the private discord channel. And he even disabled other cheats that used EAC for the mean time for safety of the users.
Sirosix is a reputable coder and doesn't lie or scam about UD. The last detection he had a lot of users were unbanned because EAC detected false positives in his cheat which resulted in a lot of people being unbanned.