I am currently losing my trial and I want to buy the bot and use it but unfortunately NPC killer is not working GG also, it's giving me the same log over and over
18:28:22 [warning] Selected wrong target, now continueing with that one..
18:28:22 [info] Attack '-=[ Streuner ]=-'.
18:28:22 [warning] Selected wrong target, now continueing with that one..
18:28:22 [info] Attack '-=[ Streuner ]=-'.
18:28:22 [warning] Selected wrong target, now continueing with that one..
18:28:22 [info] Attack '-=[ Streuner ]=-'.
it just target the npc says that he is attacking and do some silly moves and do nothing and npcs keep attacking me.. in npc killer settings all is checked, i tried to uncheck and check all, the npcs list is empty ...
my trial will be ended in 15h and few minutes...
nobody helped me in discord for the WHOLE day....!