to find the best player get TOP user/days or played hours ...
because Gl1 i older than gl5/6/7...if you understand me
Originally Posted by StormTempest
If you see, eu3 top10's points are "nearer" between them. And eu7 has a top1 with a lot of points, so probably that guy has a VISA without restrictions...
Regards, StormTempest
in global 7 Gabriele and Saggiter are Son and father...with bots...all top 20 botts...
he have 4,5 milion NPC
1. =dave05=[GaVk] 38,526,314 Points
2. Kellerkind[go~up] 37,804,306 Points
3. †Hoschi†[GaVk] 32,285,717 Points
4. _Mischan1_[GaVk] 20,491,858 Points
5. REDBULL75[GaVk] 16,974,426 Points
6. fesaf68 15,109,535 Points
7. -ZORBAS- 12,960,788 Points
8. RoΛΣЯO_FairPlay 12,683,364 Points
9. ΞX»Бў«MДƒĭ~[GaVk] 12,554,097 Points