There was one, which was known as OpenStealth, but that bot project has been closed and abandoned recently, so no, there's no FREE bot for collecting palladium.
I'm not really sure... When I went to their website, there was no download link for OpenStealth, I'm kind of glad that OS is removed because I hate the autlockers, but at the same time, I miss the palladium collection D;
Palladium 06/16/2012 - DarkOrbit - 14 Replies How much palladium you can find With pet and Goli in a hour ?
palladium 05/04/2012 - DarkOrbit - 2 Replies How Can ı colelct palladium with openstealth
Palladium Bug 04/16/2012 - DarkOrbit - 12 Replies You need at least two accounts, 1 good and one bad
1. let the bad account kill your good one (your good one has to be full of palladium)
2. do this as often until your bad one has full palladium cargo
3. kill your bad one on and on
4. See how much Palladium you will get ;)
I did it with Bigboys. when they are full you get more than you lost. First time it gives you 1500 palidum the 2nd time you kill the bigboy you will get 1500+100 and so on. So after two Bigboys you will have full...
palladium 03/03/2012 - DarkOrbit - 1 Replies Hello space pilots :)
are you know vacuum wp script for paladium?