Kbot end Kerkava status:ONLINE
The new version of Kbot end Kerkava are redy for download please enter here
I'm new reseller for Kbot end Kerkava my site is :
I speak languages: English / Spanish /litlle bit Turkish
You can contact me : Id Yahoo Messenger : kbotromania
Price for reseller, + 5 euros from official price:
kBot noGG / unlimited license / 10 euro
kBot GG / unlimited license / 20 euro
kerkava premium / 1 year license / 20 euro
moving a license / now you can move yourself licenses to another account even if you are not banned / 2 euro
You can buy via:
PAYPAL --> payment adress: or directly from site within the paypal button
PaySafeCard (PSC) --> just send the codes from PSC ticket, if you have PSC in your country, change the language for your country, and put only the city in the search form
When you buy specify the USERID not the USERNAME of the darkorbit account, and what product to be, kBot noGG, kBot GG or kerkava premium, also specify your CUSTOMER ID from Control Center
Trough kbotromania was selled over250 + licenses so far.
For more information end for download end try for 24 hours Kbot end kerkava please enter here