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GE6-GE7 IT1-2-3 AS1 Colonel 2,4m rsb 23k emp 194m seproms

Discussion on GE6-GE7 IT1-2-3 AS1 Colonel 2,4m rsb 23k emp 194m seproms within the DarkOrbit Trading forum part of the Browsergames Trading category.

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Cool GE6-GE7 IT1-2-3 AS1 Colonel 2,4m rsb 23k emp 194m seproms


Sellin Insane account on GE7 GE6 IT1 IT2 IT3 AS1
Account info:
Colonel 30,5m ranks 8m above basic colo 5m for chief colo with 1 big mission ready to finish. 194mils seprom on lasers.
X4 -> 10,000,000
RB -> 2,200,000
RSB75 -> 2,400,000
EMP -> 23,000
ISH -> 4,000
HSRTM -> 600,000
PLD-> 200,000
ICE-R -> 24,500
SLOW-R -> 16,700
CBR -> 15,500
Infectmine -> 3,000


2 HSRTM launchers on level 16 a total of 13
UNSTABLE -> 40 (37 on lvl 16)
LF4 ON 16 -> 80 (TOTAL 500)
SHIELDS(LVL16) ->49 (full for ship + PET)

Base Modules:

Hull on 16 x1
Deflector on 16 x1
Experience booster on 16 x1 + 1 lvl 8
Honor booster on 16 x2
Damage booster on 16 x1
High Range Laser on lvl 8 x6 lvl 7 x2
Middle Range Laser on lvl 15 x1 lvl 14 x1
Ram MA x1 on level 7


All pet slots unlocked
All Gear
Full protocols Level 3
All protocols mentioned from now on are level 4
Salvage : 14
Shield : 2
Radar : 2
Lasergun : 5
Evasion : 5
Alien : 6
I repeat account has full lvl 3 protocols of everything.
Also has 1,600 oils all 3 oil ships with insane designs

!Account also has Centurion ship With Speed design (Faster than cyborg same laser slots)!

About Designs I am not going to write down every single design this account has
cause it would take me more than 1 hour to type all of them but it has a lot inferno-arctic-legend designs and carbonite for ships.
Obvisouly 50/50 pilot tree with points on honor aliens and PVP.
Payment Flag is Greek (-25% to all purchases)
100 new missions progress 20/100
8,200 jump credits 1,100 keys for prometheus

I can show account via discord screenshare if anyone is interrested, payment is via paypal.
I am a trusted trader tho if you want Middleman i only accept Exe Do and you pay for any fees asked.
Price of this insane account is at 600 euros.
Payment Method: PayPal
Hit me up with offers!!
My Facebook profile :
doselltrade is offline  

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