With valve's vac-net improving, most cheats on the market get instantly flagged your accounts will be automatically put into low trust factor. This cheat is much different...
To get around these issues, we've implemented a kernel level driver which reads memory from counter strike without getting flagged. To bypass their netvar manipulation detection, we've switched to using window's mouse input functions rather than writing to viewangles.
Our product only require you to input your in-game sensitivity. All smoothing and fov is calculated real-time by the cheat using machine learning. We take your mouse inputs while in your match and fine tune the aimbot to make it more accurate and more legit than other providers.
Game window support: Fullscreen, Windowed, and Fullscreen-windowed
Windows version support: All versions of Windows 10 and 11
At this time, there isn't a menu. The program will explain where to input your in-game sensitivity and then assist you in setting up your aimbot
I'm ok with providing 1-2 testing copies for anybody who wants to give a review below for others who are interested (discord is Strydemotion#0758)
1 day: $1.99
7 days: $7.99
30 days: $15.84
purchase here:
Heres a video of the cheat in action:
To get around these issues, we've implemented a kernel level driver which reads memory from counter strike without getting flagged. To bypass their netvar manipulation detection, we've switched to using window's mouse input functions rather than writing to viewangles.
Our product only require you to input your in-game sensitivity. All smoothing and fov is calculated real-time by the cheat using machine learning. We take your mouse inputs while in your match and fine tune the aimbot to make it more accurate and more legit than other providers.
Game window support: Fullscreen, Windowed, and Fullscreen-windowed
Windows version support: All versions of Windows 10 and 11
At this time, there isn't a menu. The program will explain where to input your in-game sensitivity and then assist you in setting up your aimbot
I'm ok with providing 1-2 testing copies for anybody who wants to give a review below for others who are interested (discord is Strydemotion#0758)
1 day: $1.99
7 days: $7.99
30 days: $15.84
purchase here:
Heres a video of the cheat in action: