Our info-page:
[Boost Assist]
AFK WINS [AFK boosting is done automated by our bots]:
10 WINS = 10$ - a few hours
30 WINS = 18$ - 1 day
50 WINS = 25$ - 1 or 1.5 days
100 WINS = 40$ - 2 or 2.5 days
200 WINS = 70$ - 4 or 4.5 days
→ What we offer:
Welcome to CS24BOOSTING.COM, the most reliable, efficient, cheapest and fastest CS:GO boosting service. Our boosting technique is unique and it does not required any use of cheats or any other programs/scripts. We queue with the lobby against our bots who stay afk. 16-0 is guaranteed in ANY region of world , we are located in Ukraine. Boosting is done automated by our bots or by your hands if you order non-afk wins.
→ How it can be done:
You play with us
We play on your account (with no overpay)
→ CHEAP Prices:
SILVER RANKS = 1 cs:go case key / 2.5$
NOVA RANKS = 3 cs:go case keys / 5$
GUARDIAN RANKS = 4 cs:go case keys / 7.5$
LE-LEM RANKS = 5 cs:go case keys / 10$
SMFC-GE RANKS = 8 cs:go case keys / 12$
1 SINGLE WIN - 1 cs:go case key / 2$
→ Contacts[AVAILABLE 18/7]
✓skype: luxuryboosting
✓whatsapp: +380667278888


[Payments]: Paypal / Skrill / Bitcoins[THE BEST] / Western Union[THE BEST] / Skins(+40% overpay) / Paysafecard(+25% overpay) / CS:GO Case Key, 1 key = 2$ ,
NOTE: +40% overpay on Paypal applies on amounts higher than 20$, because >20$ paypal payments are accepted in keys [you purchase cs:go keys on G2A

If the account gets banned during leveling, we will compensate you with a nice new account with high hours and wins [actually that will never happen]