[Buying] EUW ACC (All champs) (Atleast p5) idc about skins 03/13/2016 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Hello im looking for a nice euw acc with all champs. It has to be atleast platnium 5 in solo q.
I won't pay more for skins and so on!
Contact me on skype with your offers. Skype: hupra.eloboost
[Buying] Atleast plat3+ with a lot of champs-skins, orig mail+welcome mail!!! 05/26/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 16 Replies Title,
i have 40euros paypal, dont even write if u are not trusted, ill ignore 0-0-0users, and users with negatives too. Want a nice account, ON EUW SERVER that have to be in plat3+, with original email+welcome mail, nice skins and atleast PLAT-DIA border.
If u are not trusted enough, and not willing to go 1. dont even write.
Dont post your account shops, ill ignore them all. I want to see your exact offer!
Looking for the best offer from the more trusted user. Write in pm-in the...
[Buying] Need EUW lol account silver atleast and many champs/runes/skins 07/07/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies I have 48 € and many things to add if the account is worth (warz 6399 gc, steam accounts, origin accounts)
PS: I won't go first if you're not trusted enough
Looking for good NA account atleast 100 skins 04/23/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies As the title sais im looking for a NA account with atleast 100 skins and most champions and runes, pm me your skype name and i can make offer/trade