Today i ve got one of best cs go private cheats! It is xMoaquito.
We are proud to introduce our new Private full stealth external Multihack for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive with Anti-Screenshot/Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots for ALL Anti-Cheats!
Screenshots taken by ANY Anti-Cheat will be clean by using an external GDI overlay drawing technology, which avoids capturing ESP.
As a result we decided to offer a private version of the hack that is using very special protection & advanced bypass methods for each Anti-Cheat that you will find below, which provide the best security against several Anti-Cheats and makes it almost impossible to detect the hack.
This private version is specially coded & protected for professional league gamers & it is not coming with a .DLL library, instead it is a full stealth external hack with a specialized technology (no injection), which is 100% undetected.
Moreover you can use this private hack on LAN Events/Offline Tournaments by using our invisibile silent loader.
With an amazing range of functionality - xmosquito CSGO - meets a wide range of customer needs.
Each money you invest in any of our products and services buys you:
a depth and breadth of features and functionality, reliability and effectiveness and success reinforced with
our priceless one-on-one support, ensuring your success.
- PIXELAIMBOT(legit/nonlegit)
-> AIMKEY = mouse 1,2,3,4,5,6..
-> AIMPOINT = aimspot on which the aimbot aims at (Head,Neck,Chest etc.)
-> AIMFOV = field of view on which the aimbot is scanning for an aimpoint (configurable in 0.125 steps for 100% legit play)
-> AIMSMOOTH = aimbot is working smoothly for a more legit aimbot movement (configurable in 0.125 steps for 100% legit play)
-> AIMTIME = time in ms for aimbot activity on enemies
-> AIMDELAY = delay in ms for aimbot inactivity on enemies
-> AIMDISABLE = aimbot is disabled if you are reloading, defusing or holding knife/grenades/C4-bomb/..
-> AUTOAIM = aims automatically on enemies
-> AIMSPRAYDOWN = little spraydown effect on your aimbot movement (configurable for primary & secondary weapons)
-> RECOIL CONTROL = recoil control spay effect on your aimbot (RCS), (configurable for primary & secondary weapons)
-> NO SPREAD NO SHAKE = removes your spread perfectly without shaking (non-shaking: HLTV,SourceTV,Demos,Spectators,..)
-> WEAPON SETTINGS = configurable aimpoint/aimfov/aimsmooth/aimtime of ALL primary & secondary weapons (DEAGLE,AWP,M4A1,AK47...)
-> TRIGGERBOT= shoots automatically if an enemy is in your crosshair
-> NO SPREAD NO SHAKE = removes your triggerspread perfectly without shaking (non-shaking: HLTV,SourceTV,Demos,Spectators,..)
-> TRIGGERKEY = shoots only when holding mouse 1,2,3,4,5,6..
-> TRIGGERPOINT = triggerspot on which the triggerbot aims at (Head,Neck,Chest,Stomach,Arm,Leg,..)
-> TRIGGERWEAPON SETTINGS = configurable triggerpoint of ALL primary & secondary weapons (DEAGLE,AWP,M4A1,AK47...)
-> STATICBOX ESP = draws external/overlay static box on players
-> BOUNDINGBOX ESP = draws external/overlay bounding box on players
-> BONE ESP = draws external/overlay bones of players
-> BALL ESP = draws external/overlay ball esp
-> HEALTH ESP = draws external/overlay health on players
-> DISTANCE ESP = draws external/overlay distance to players
-> WEAPON ESP = draws external/overlay weapon on players
-> ENTITY ESP = draws external/overlay entities/weapons/bomb/defusekits on ground
-> BOMBC4 ESP = draws external/overlay player carrying the bomb and status of planting
-> DEFUSE ESP = draws external/overlay defusing status (kit/nokit)
-> ENEMY ONLY ESP = configurable ESP on enemies only or on all players
-> PLAYERGLOW = glow effect on players
-> RADARPATCH = shows enemies on your game-radar
-> BUNNYHOP = jumping permanantly by pressing the jump button
-> AUTOPISTOL = pistol shoots permanently by holding the attack button
- Configs (adjustable)
- Valve Anti-Cheat UNDETECTED
- FACEIT UNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- ESL Wire Anti-Cheat UNDETECTED / WACUNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- X-Ray UNDETECTED / XAC UNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- ESEA Client UNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- EasyAntiCheat UNDETECTED / EAC3 UNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- TheSGL UNDETECTED / SGL Anti-Cheat UNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- VOIPLAY UNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- FGCL Anti-Cheat UNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- Libra Anti-Cheat UNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- ApoFigAC3 UNDETECTED / AAC3 UNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- myAC UNDETECTED (Screenshot Bypass/Clean Screenshots)
- Steambans UNDETECTED
- LAN-Events/Offline Tournaments UNDETECTED (inivisible silent-loader)
***Screenshots taken by ANY Anti-Cheat will be clean by using an external GDI overlay drawing technology, that avoids capturing Flicker ESP
- Professional protection & bypass methods
-> String destruction
-> Random CRC32 Mode
-> Random section/table names
-> FULL External technology
-> FULL Stealth Mode
-> NO injection into csgo.exe
-> NO memory modification/patching
-> NO .DLL library
-> Secret tweaks & algorithms
-> Anti-Dumpers
-> Anti-Debbuger detection
-> Anti-Disassember
-> Anti-Registry Monitor
-> Anti-File Monitor
-> Anti-API detection
-> Anti-Leaksystem
-> Unique coding technology (unique coded product/build for each customer! - different Hash calculations,Algorithms,Sections,Cryption,Structur e..)
-> Daily, SILENT SECURITY Update
Cheat is supporting all windows !
(more informations

If You want to buy it contact me at this side or email :