looking to buy any items on csgo from 1euro up to 500+,paying with ingame coins on PWI(Perfect World International) on Dawnglory server(europe server), add on skype at surdica.cristian
[Selling] +12 Orb/2x +10 orb/1 Billion coins-Dawnglory 02/15/2016 - Perfect World Trading - 14 Replies update: Only +12 Orb*Make offer* left in Dawnglory, willing to use Middleman"KOBRualet" Also half Billion left in Twillight-Temple*for 60Bucks*
Hi, Want to sell, +12 Orb with 2x+10 orbs for around 150 dollers OBO
Also, want to sell, over 1 Billion in coins for around 140ish dollers
If intrested, Leave skype here or Send me PRivite massage.
[Selling] SELLING COINS ON DAWNGLORY 12/29/2015 - Perfect World Trading - 2 Replies Hello!
Currently have a stock of 700m
Price will be 1$ for 8.000.000 coins,thats a roughly 0.125$/1mil,best price around,can do a disscount for big amounts
PAYPAL only,im not going first,we can do very small amount one at a time,got verified paypal,pm me with ur skype so i can add and talk
[Selling] WTS COINS IN DAWNGLORY 11/05/2015 - Perfect World Trading - 2 Replies Want to sell coins in DawnGlory.
Can also do small Transaction per unit for peace of mind and to avoid Scamming, Half/Half/Half E.T.C
Skype name: [email protected]:D
WTT COINS FROM EARTHBLADE TO DAWNGLORY 09/14/2015 - Perfect World Trading - 0 Replies i have 15m coins in Earthblade server and i want to trade it for 15m coins or items in dawnglory server. Message me if you want to.:mofo:
WTS Coins at (dawnglory) server 08/21/2015 - Perfect World Trading - 0 Replies WTS Coins at (dawnglory) server VIA paypal 5m=1usd and 5m=1euro
if wants to trade pm me in skype
skype name: horrenMakrel