----------->SEARCH LOL ACC EUW WITH MANY SKINS <-------- 03/21/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Suche eine EUW LoL Acc
Der Acc sollte die Skins haben : Zombie Brand , Slay Bell katarina , Leopard Nidalee
Division egal. Runen würden nicht schaden aber kein muss.
skype : peter.zwegart1992
[SEARCH]EUW Skins + ACC 01/01/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Hey there ,
Im Searching and EuW Account Lv30 , like about 5 Rune Pages , ~60 Champs. Maybe some Skins . Want to use it as a smurf account. Unranked or 1500+ Elo
Im also searching for EuW Skin Codes . Just Post below in the comments what Skin Codes you got and a price ( not the exactly , I just want to have a clue about what you want for the Skin )
Hallo ePvPers ,
[Search]EUW Skins 11/10/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Im Searching for :
- PAX Sivir , Jax
- Riot Singed
-Just some Skins you got and want to sell ( Except this Rammus Skin )
Im paying with PSC (€)
[SEARCH] Pax Skins 04/16/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 12 Replies Heya,
I'm searching for EUW server all pax skins, if anybody have one of them, please inform me :/
Best Regards,