VAC HACK x360 10/27/2008 - Dekaron Private Server - 5 Replies Hi , it's any vac hack working ? I just saw chines mage + 150 with lure on map + 130 soo any one know where can download or something ?
Need help at x360 server. 09/24/2008 - Dekaron Private Server - 3 Replies Okei .
I dled logintool1 ( the new one ) .
How i tryed it , it works . When i put play and server 1 then i start w8ting .
w8w8w8 , nothing . just w8ted some 10 mins and nothing is starting , and if i am putin agayn that play button then it kicks me out .
Help me.:(:(:(:(:(:(
x360 Bugs? 09/13/2008 - Dekaron Private Server - 10 Replies ok i have wierd things going on
first is when i enter A / B / C
time work but cant kill mobs like Dc but always in A/B/C never in normal maps
secound thing each time i play i cant open explorer then i need to reset or reconnect my diler
anyone here have the same Bugs/problams?
x360 is down? 09/08/2008 - Dekaron Private Server - 24 Replies can anyone tell me if the server are now down or its only my net problam:confused: