Hi I jst wanna share with u guys ,me nd my friends so called socket tricks...
Hmmm...actually I just made soc 4 times but my friends did soc stuff countless times...What did I do to make socketd items? I just killd thousands of mobs then upgrading the mets I got from them nd thats it. But its not actually hundred % successful...For my friends part, shes just buying mets, mostly 10metscroll then shes just upgrading it with her bless, coz shes 2nd rb nd thats all...she's been doing it wthout fail. Her priority now is making them 2soc ..[img]text2schild.php?smilienummer=1&text=Dont say noob! pls ^^' border='0' alt='Dont say noob! pls ^^' />Maybe that would be the nice topic...lmao