[Selling] Sell full +12 ninja gears and a few monk gears 07/30/2013 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 0 Replies +12 lvl 140-7 ninja head gear p3 perm- 100 usd
+12-2x katana p6 perm -7 lvl 140 -220 usd for both
+12 level 140 vest p6 perm -7 for 180 usd
+8 2x monk bead lvl 134 not perm give me an offer
Serious buyers only
B>> Ninja gears. 08/20/2012 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 2 Replies I gave up on buying DB's on Dark, no sellers around ATM.
I'm looking for ninja gears on Dark server or server transfer to Dark. I don't need anything special such as +12's. What I'm looking for:
-Hood/Veil +8, 2SOC, -damage doesn't matter.
-Vest +8, 2SOC, -damage doesn't matter.
-2x Katana, +8, 2SOC, -damage doesn't matter.
All items between 120-130 LVL, even if you have something above state your offer also.
(Light server) Ninja-Ninja (lvl126) with gears 03/14/2012 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 0 Replies selling a ninja-ninja level 126. comes with all its gears, cps and silver.
Super level 121 +5 1 soc sdg permed ph3 headgear
super +5 1 soc sdg level 112 necky
two super +6 double soc sdg phase 4 permed lvl 115 katanas
super +6 1 soc sdg phase 2 permed armor lvl 122
super +5 1 soc sdg level 100 boots
super 2 soc sdg +5 ring permed phase 3 level 117 ring
super 2 soc +6 talismans. tower has 1 super gem the rest are refined
BONUS: comes with super +6 1 soc sdg level 120 archer armor AND...