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Coding Services C++ C# HTML

Discussion on Coding Services C++ C# HTML within the Coders Trading forum part of the Other Trading category.

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xpell.d's Avatar
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Arrow Coding Services C++ C# HTML

Hello! I am now offering my coding services to the epvp public! I am fluent in C++, C#, HTML!

I can create projects for EAC/BE/VANGUARD, I will only be accepting 5 projects total (for long term work only!)

You will have the option between External/Internal Projects, custom panels and loaders/injectors, I can also do website integration for a little extra.

I have been coding for 7 years and have worked on over 11 big projects around the globe, now joining the multi-million $ cheat coding market!

If you have question please feel free to contant me on my discord - xpell.d
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Old 11/13/2023, 03:37   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)

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He attempted to use an internal developmental video from my cheat loader and auth system, which is Wraithware, as proof that he is a legit dev so that he can be paid upfront when in fact he did not develop it. He never worked on Wraithware and is claiming he has.
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Old 11/13/2023, 03:40   #3 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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cr.Sensei's Avatar
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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Regards cr.Sensei
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cheat developer, coding, dev, hacks

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